Utada News : Utada Appearances at FYE Seattle & Honolulu stores
Posted by Q on 2009/4/27 9:47:00 (885 reads)

Entertainment store FYE will be holding special MEET UTADA events at two of their stores.

On May 15th at 6pm, Utada will be at the Southcenter Mall FYE location in Seattle.

On May 16th at 2pm, Utada will be at the Ala Moana Center FYE location in Honolulu.

Lets hope these events will be better organized.

[UPDATE] From UBlog:
Update: For fans near Santa Rosa, CA, it appears that Y100.9 FM will be giving away a trip to Hawaii to see Utada, during the 12 o?clock (noon) hour today (Apr29). Make sure you listen!

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