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  i am going on vacation!....but were to?


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  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
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Joined: 2007/7/24
A/S/L 17/M/Cal
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yup, that could be soo lolz

and plus taiwan, likes japanese stuff alot

they even do commercial in japanese sometimes
Posted on: 2008/5/26 1:04
  •  vietncamboboi
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
User on Probation
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of course, they honor everyone i guess, but its amazing that they do shows about hikki

Posted on: 2008/5/26 14:32
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
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Joined: 2007/7/24
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well mostly japan and korea i think lolz
Posted on: 2008/5/26 21:21
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/7/29
A/S/L 55/M/USA
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My Brother Brian went to Japan when he was with the Merchant Mariners, and unlike America, the shoreside bars had Japanese bouncers posted at the door to keep Americans and other foreigners out of "Japanese Only" Bars. My Brother was highly offended by this practice, which of course is way different from the way America works, nominally. One of the pleasures of Utada music, is "crashing" another culture, although really, Utada is bringing American styled pop music culture to Asia, I think, in some sense. I mean, it is not Kabuki plays, or No theater, you "Know" what I mean? I really like Trish Thuy Trang singing, Sukiyaki on YouTube, in part because I think of it as a small taste of Bhietnamese culture. Asian people and culture are inscrutable to me, which heightens the attention and "curiosity factor." I work with lots of Asians in my job, Asian-Americans, I should say. Well, Americans of Asian descent or heritage. Hey, has anybody else on UtadaNet enjoyed watching KevJumba on YouTube? That Asian American boy is very amusing, very funny. I like his sense of humor, and irreverant honesty. He will address any topic. He is quite a YouTube Talent. That other college kid from Singapore, I think, who plays Utada songs on both guitar and piano, is quite talented, also. The one with the bunny rabbit pets. The one I thought Utada should consider dating, post divorce, remember? What's that kid's name? RW = ULTIMAX I think R W stands for Reuben Wong. Utada Takes Her Summer Vacation in Singapore
Posted on: 2008/6/1 0:20
  •  Roscoe
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/5
A/S/L 20/M/New Hampshire
Posts: 897
In a way, I can understand that people living along the coast might want to get away from the tourist culture. At the same time, that's kind of offensive, and there are other ways to keep tourists out.
Posted on: 2008/6/1 8:36
  •  Hikki4ever119
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/3/20
A/S/L 14/F/Philippines
Posts: 248

soulhunter14 wrote:
well if you want to meet nirose and roovette, I recommend Philippines .. but be sure the location is Manila xD we're all around Metro Manila xD

but then, I'm still recommending Japan .. and give us updates regarding hikki

ya hahahha go to philippines and marry macky
宇多田 ヒカル
Posted on: 2008/6/1 9:09
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
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i love ur siggy hikki4ever
Posted on: 2008/6/1 22:00
  •  jreuij
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/5/18
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me too...
the hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else... \(^o^)/
Posted on: 2008/6/5 19:49
  •  kayoko
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
Posts: 3817
but hey i wouldnt mind going to japan at all for vacation...even if it were for school...that looks like the likely scenario for me at least...kansai is tough to get into after i read much up on it...and expensive to be at...so i realized that i need to study hard (just maintain a steady 3.0gpa, and be into foreign languages..and i am) then i can apply to be transferred there for either (its many different options given) a three year exchange, 2 or 1...a semester or even like 4-5 weeks worth...as long as my grades in school are good enough for the given options....i suggest and they assign which one im most fit for...im~ lovin the three year exchange one...and better yet...getting a degree for being a temporary mainstay as a foreign exchange student is very good news for me....so im doing that....that'll be my vacation...or i'll just consider it to be one...as long as i leave the country, im good..
Posted on: 2008/6/5 20:31
  •  vietncamboboi
Re: i am going on vacation!....but were to?
User on Probation
Joined: 2007/11/7
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well good luck buddy, just know that i have faith in ya all the way!

Posted on: 2008/6/7 23:03
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