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  •  hikaruomega
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/30
A/S/L 21/M/Still Here
Posts: 209

a_kikoo wrote:

hikaruomega wrote:
^ huh... i think the opposite... i think girls are easier to befriend (or that's just me im weird lol)

Most girls are too emotional. I am too which is why I try to stay away lol. I mean, I have a lot of girl friends but I think I hang out with guys more. Plus, I have 4 younger brothers and I grew up in a neighborhood which had only boys living in it. Nowdays, I hang out with my husband and his friends often. I'm just used to being around guys.

omg i lived the opposite...

my cousins were around a lot and they were mostly girls.
Posted on: 2010/2/16 23:59
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Crushes
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
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hikaruomega wrote:

a_kikoo wrote:

hikaruomega wrote:
^ huh... i think the opposite... i think girls are easier to befriend (or that's just me im weird lol)

Most girls are too emotional. I am too which is why I try to stay away lol. I mean, I have a lot of girl friends but I think I hang out with guys more. Plus, I have 4 younger brothers and I grew up in a neighborhood which had only boys living in it. Nowdays, I hang out with my husband and his friends often. I'm just used to being around guys.

omg i lived the opposite...

my cousins were around a lot and they were mostly girls.

yeah my husband's family is opposite from mine. he has a sister and all girl cousins.
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:00
  •  buzzyrecky
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/5/7
A/S/L 16/Male/Hawaii
Posts: 322
I think i like a balance of hanging out with both, as each has its downsides
I really want to tell you something, but I can't....
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:11
  •  JudgeJamster
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/1
A/S/L 18 / M / Salem, Oregon
Posts: 236
Wow, what happened, there's been like, 5 pages of posts in the last 2 hours. :O lol. Very cool though.

My whole family consists of women, so I am much more comfortable around women then men. At work I can be more myself around the girls but around the guys I become closed up and nervous. Guys just intimidate me for some reason.
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:22
  •  山本_passion
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2010/1/18
A/S/L 15.
Posts: 235

JudgeJamster wrote:
Wow, what happened, there's been like, 5 pages of posts in the last 2 hours. :O lol. Very cool though.

My whole family consists of women, so I am much more comfortable around women then men. At work I can be more myself around the girls but around the guys I become closed up and nervous. Guys just intimidate me for some reason.

I think since my family is half and half of both genders i feel comfortable hanging out with any gender lol..although I get annoyed pretty easily with some of my friends lol
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:28
  •  JudgeJamster
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/1
A/S/L 18 / M / Salem, Oregon
Posts: 236

山本_passion wrote:

I think since my family is half and half of both genders i feel comfortable hanging out with any gender lol..although I get annoyed pretty easily with some of my friends lol

Aww, lucky, lol. I sometimes can't believe how nervous I am around guys. Although I get better as I start to know them more. One guy at work I have gotten very comfortable around just because he's been really nice to me.

Friends can get annoying from what I hear, but be thankful you have them. I haven't had a in-person friend for the last 6 years, and my only current friend lives hundreds of miles away. :/
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:33
  •  buzzyrecky
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/5/7
A/S/L 16/Male/Hawaii
Posts: 322
yeah, im an introvert, and i have friends but im not really close with any of them
I really want to tell you something, but I can't....
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:35
  •  山本_passion
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2010/1/18
A/S/L 15.
Posts: 235

JudgeJamster wrote:
Aww, lucky, lol. I sometimes can't believe how nervous I am around guys. Although I get better as I start to know them more. One guy at work I have gotten very comfortable around just because he's been really nice to me.

Friends can get annoying from what I hear, but be thankful you have them. I haven't had a in-person friend for the last 6 years, and my only current friend lives hundreds of miles away. :/

hundreds of miles away?? that sucks lol hope u see the friend soon..I have some friends but as i have grown i realized the closer u get with someone and the more u hang out with them, the more they are prone to get really annoyed at you alot more...so i guess u can say i got more solitary as i have grown older although i still have the same friends but i dont talk to them all the time like before. but i am still thankful for them still
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:40
  •  JudgeJamster
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/1
A/S/L 18 / M / Salem, Oregon
Posts: 236

山本_passion wrote:

hundreds of miles away?? that sucks lol hope u see the friend soon..I have some friends but as i have grown i realized the closer u get with someone and the more u hang out with them, the more they are prone to get really annoyed at you alot more...so i guess u can say i got more solitary as i have grown older although i still have the same friends but i dont talk to them all the time like before. but i am still thankful for them still

Yeah, I live in Oregon and he lives in Quebec...so perhaps even thousands of miles away, not sure how far it is exactly, lol. I am trying to save up money to see him, but it's hard saving up 500 dollars for a plane ticket when I'm only getting 4 or less hours a week at my job. :/ But it's all good, we talk on Xbox LIVE all day, lol.

But I can see what you mean about friends. Just like a couple, you can be grateful for them even while wanting to slap them, lol.
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:45
  •  buzzyrecky
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/5/7
A/S/L 16/Male/Hawaii
Posts: 322
lol we're way off topic again
I really want to tell you something, but I can't....
Posted on: 2010/2/17 0:53
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