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  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226

Josh_Shing wrote:
Hey all how's it goin!

Dunno if this would fit well in this topic but oh well! I feel it's important to pass on this bit of info.

Ok so during calculus class at the college today, me and this girl that sits next to me started having the usual small talk. During the lecture, she took my unopened notebook and started flipping to the cleanest page and started writing a message.

We basically wrote stuff like "Hi! You're (insert name) right? Yep!" and i sort of copied her messages on her notebook just with her info. So we were basically writing messages to each other silently with a few chuckles on the other's notebook.

She noticed i was sort of mimicking her messages so she asked if i was mocking her. I said not really and then she called me a liar. I then said "do you hate me?". She replied nooo i (insert my name)! So i said "yay i love (insert her name)!"


Right there just after i wrote "love" i realized i made a HUGE mistake!! I broke the big Guys rule 101!! Never say i love (person's name) to their face if you don't mean it! So i frantically erased "love" and put a instead! I wrote "love" because my mind and many others' associate the with love so i just wrote love instead... That's a big no no..

Phew! I hope she didn't catch the word "love" before it got erased.. MY FELLOW GUYS! WHEN FLIRTING WITH GIRLS, DO NOT SAY "I LOVE YOU" UNLESS YOU MEAN IT! ESPECIALLY WHEN TYPING OR WRITING ON LITTLE PAPER MESSAGES!! It can drag you into the void of GAME OVER where it is very hard and tricky to escape from unscathed..

\( >o< )/ NOOOO!!

I laughed.HARD.You were flirting and you said you love her?Did you put a lol or a *wink* behind that?I'm shocked she even went as far as to say it.That sounds like my friend that's in Pittsburg at the moment.He's quick to warm up to.I always wonder if it's gonna be the death of him one day,but I have no way to warn him.Luckily,he's becoming less reckless and realizes that simply please the girl at the moment doesn't mean that you formed a bond.I'm not saying that it's impossible to for people to fall for each other fast in a healthy matter,I'm saying it's unlikely the cast here.You didn't think like before love?I would made a joke out of it and wrote "I :elephant: you" or something.

Oh about what Josh said soul,He's right.Not say that it was unrealistic but you can't expect her to also be on miraculously when you are.I'm sure you can actually things with your time rather than waiting for the possibility.You could in fact just try making one.Send her messages that she can reply to later.

and in hindsight I need to be taking my own advice.I still haven't spoken direct to Elizabeth(the Nature Beaut) or Carmen(The Kitsurabami) :/ .Elizabeth has made this habit of sitting directly behind me.She seems to have a great disinterest in the lectures,although she seem to perform fairly on the test.I participate far to much in class for her to not know who I am by now :/ the professor actually remembers my name.I think I just nothing comfortable approaching her yet.She seems so compatible as far as personal interest but she also seems easy to converse with.I'm really agitated that I can't just say something >:O.
Posted on: 2009/10/12 23:54
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
No Josh on topic here!

I know (insert her name) did all the instigating, but silently and fanatically don?t sit quietly together, my guess is that fellow students adjacently seated had already tagged they were about to witness a rare octopi mating ritual accompanying pencil with eraser followed by an occasional pencil solo, illustrating the overly flamboyant and frantic use of the eraser, while other more entrepreneurial students had silently reassembled the seating and started to sell tickets on the promise of ?. ?where it is very hard and tricky to escape from unscathed???a chance to witness an exciting pencil fight finale ??

Calculus is heads up and listen, sorry had you been loitering round my exercise book I?d have probably chewed most of your arm off up to the elbow, the headline would be ?Boy pulls back stump after Calculus Lecture graffiti stunt? of course I would use your pencil to pick out the grisly bits, and I can always use an extra pencil, especially for Calculus lol?Only kidding?.I think?..

One of the all together, saddest and disappointing aspects of trying to keep in touch with close friends on line, is the feeling of utter wretched helplessness went the line stays stubbornly silent, waiting every night and feeling unable to move on is torturing oneself painfully. soulhunter this nightmarish?How long will you wait ?
Posted on: 2009/10/13 2:39
Re: Crushes
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Well, yeah. I guess it's more of fantasy. lol. I'm avoiding to wait for her now. I don't go online at night lately to wait for her. But I still miss talking with her

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2009/10/13 22:36
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828

LoBFCanti wrote:

I laughed.HARD.You were flirting and you said you love her?Did you put a lol or a *wink* behind that?I'm shocked she even went as far as to say it.That sounds like my friend that's in Pittsburg at the moment.He's quick to warm up to.I always wonder if it's gonna be the death of him one day,but I have no way to warn him.Luckily,he's becoming less reckless and realizes that simply please the girl at the moment doesn't mean that you formed a bond.I'm not saying that it's impossible to for people to fall for each other fast in a healthy matter,I'm saying it's unlikely the cast here.You didn't think like before love?I would made a joke out of it and wrote "I :elephant: you" or something.

Hey hey hey hey i never felt like i loved her it's just that my mind substituted for "love" and i just set them equal to each other. Damn math screwed me over there.

Does not = "love"

And plus i was writing words and it was so much easier to just continue writing words instead of switching it up and drawing a

Oh and Pips I doubt she'd really bite my arm off since she was the one that started messaging me. And i was fine with the lecture since i can write separate things while watching and listening to something else. It's just that time i let some math influence my thoughts which ended up on paper and was ultimately erased to prevent my own epic failure :D

May that NEVER happen again
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/10/13 23:52
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226

Josh_Shing wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:

I laughed.HARD.You were flirting and you said you love her?Did you put a lol or a *wink* behind that?I'm shocked she even went as far as to say it.That sounds like my friend that's in Pittsburg at the moment.He's quick to warm up to.I always wonder if it's gonna be the death of him one day,but I have no way to warn him.Luckily,he's becoming less reckless and realizes that simply please the girl at the moment doesn't mean that you formed a bond.I'm not saying that it's impossible to for people to fall for each other fast in a healthy matter,I'm saying it's unlikely the cast here.You didn't think like before love?I would made a joke out of it and wrote "I :elephant: you" or something.

Hey hey hey hey i never felt like i loved her it's just that my mind substituted for "love" and i just set them equal to each other. Damn math screwed me over there.

Does not = "love"

And plus i was writing words and it was so much easier to just continue writing words instead of switching it up and drawing a

Oh and Pips I doubt she'd really bite my arm off since she was the one that started messaging me. And i was fine with the lecture since i can write separate things while watching and listening to something else. It's just that time i let some math influence my thoughts which ended up on paper and was ultimately erased to prevent my own epic failure :D

May that NEVER happen again

It's not much else you can associate it with really and you misunderstood what I was saying.You weren't thinking when you were talking to her.In other words by all means you weren't yourself.I can't imagine you not making a joke out of that if you were thinking clearly.
Posted on: 2009/10/14 17:06
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
^Oh ha ha yah you're right i was totally not thinking i was just copying what she was writing!

That funny mistake i made turned out to be a good lesson for me and probably some others. Be careful with the word "love." Mwah ha ha ha
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/10/14 21:07
  •  kayoko
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
Posts: 3817
love has way too many different meanings...doesnt it?

i saw this beautiful japanese girl today from school...i wanted to ask her out, but turns out..she's 30...sad for me but amazing for her...looks nothing like 30..and me being 20...it was lol fail..all the girls i see interest in always tend to be considerably older than me..closest was 22, but i was 18 then..so lol fail there too...GAH!!! i hate myself for it..can never find a nice girl my type around my age...maybe i act older than my age..or i must be horrible at socializing...lol
Posted on: 2009/10/14 22:16
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828

kayoko wrote:
love has way too many different meanings...doesnt it?

i saw this beautiful japanese girl today from school...i wanted to ask her out, but turns out..she's 30...sad for me but amazing for her...looks nothing like 30..and me being 20...it was lol fail..all the girls i see interest in always tend to be considerably older than me..closest was 22, but i was 18 then..so lol fail there too...GAH!!! i hate myself for it..can never find a nice girl my type around my age...maybe i act older than my age..or i must be horrible at socializing...lol

Hah i think it's alright for someone you like to be a couple years older than you. As long as you and her don't care about the cougar problem. The 30 year old though, wow major cougar. But i guess as some say, asians don't start looking old until around 50.

Speaking of cougars, A much older asian woman sits on my other side (not the side with the girl i flirted with) in my calculus class and she keeps resting her hand on me when she talks to me or half-hugs me when i say something correct. She's about 40 something.

Today, she was talking to our teacher and the woman started leaning on me (0_____o) so i started leaning away from her towards the girl i flirted with. Cougar problem...

I'm sure she's married and stuff and i'm just over reacting, but how it looks on the outside is what freaks me out. Peer pressure? What ever but i just started realizing this. Wuuuuuuuuuh....

"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/10/15 21:48
  •  kayoko
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
Posts: 3817
i seriously doubt she's trying to do something fishy...maybe she's trying to find someone to socialize with...class might be a little boring when you go through it alone...if she sat somewhere else im sure she'd do the same to others...i actually like talking to older people...especially the talkative ones...i just like hearing their stories...living longer, they tend to see some of the darndest things...

as for the cougar thing, i dont mind age difference so much...the 22 year old girl when i was 18, we talked rather comfortably together...flirting too, every now and then...hey i was willing to ask her out, but all my friends pointed one thing...'dude, she's 22.' the peer pressure just got me...i dont care now because i think she was the first girl i had a legitimate shot with but was lost due to something that wasnt much of a big deal.
Posted on: 2009/10/19 20:24
  •  Unregistered
Re: Crushes
10 years isn't a big diff...

Will, the puerto rican guy I kinda dated was 12 years older than me (i'm 24, he just turned 37). he was soooooo cute though. seriously. haha i still miss him, though. he was really sweet. but, i got back with my boyfriend that i've been with for a long time. I went to Jersey to visit him a few weeks ago - he bought me a plane ticket. It kinda sucked though 'cuz it was raining and cold the whole time. Especially in Atlantic City (which we only stayed for like an hour). Anywho.....
Posted on: 2009/10/20 16:29
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