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  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285

Pips_Paradise wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:
:O @pips.....

But to add to this trend of Yellow fever Josh started,there is this girl named Philipa that I know OH MAN!!!Jk XD. But really there are these two chinese chicks in my psyche class.One of them is this nice...um....kitsurabami color She seems cool from the just of her mannerisms.We talked just a little.I let her hold my book last week but I was actually being attentive so I didn't reap the opportunity the way I should have.And then the other one that sits behind me :melts: she seems so out of my league.She is such a natural beauty.She doesn't speak much to anyone in the class and for whatever reason I freeze whenever I attempt to approach her.Social Anxiety is a (censored) :/ ain't it Pips?

Hi LoBFCanti,

No sweat and no need to freeze, out of your what league? Ha!.... Just turn around and look cool and say....
Hi ?.... Why don?t we exchange study notes?

They are studying Psyche Yes?

I have detailed notes and with ?step through? examples in these disciplines:

Psyche. analyzers.... Semantical analyzers
psyche.ast...... Nodes for abstract syntax tree
Psyche. Function........ Classes for executing scheme functions
Psyche. Interpreter...... The interpreter, the shell and environments
psyche.lexer........ Lexical analyzer and token class
psyche.schemefct....... Implementation of scheme procedures
psyche.types......... Implementation of scheme types.

Plus....I have notes on, embedding the Interpreter, how scheme types are mapped on python types and psyche objects, strings, recalling scheme procedures from Python, implementing the Python functions, environment objects, interpreter objects, shell objects, and R5RS compliance.

You will blow their socks off, psyche can be a right pain to implement....

I have seen students? breakdown interpreting shell objects....

So when is the next class...??????!!!!!

Edit for info: I have combining Yigal Duppen?s conjunctives...book notes
Posted on: 2009/9/15 7:36
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
It was today and she came late so she sat on the other side of the room cause someone was in here seat. :/ I was bored this time around too,so my eyes kept wandering over there.But still have yet to make any advances -_- my damn nerves are getting the best of me.And the Kisturabami chick didn't come today :/.
Posted on: 2009/9/15 22:51
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285

LoBFCanti wrote:
It was today and she came late so she sat on the other side of the room cause someone was in here seat. :/ I was bored this time around too,so my eyes kept wandering over there.But still have yet to make any advances -_- my damn nerves are getting the best of me.And the Kisturabami chick didn't come today :/.

LoBFCanti, use body language, you want to cheekily "lean in" a little, this subtly conveys neediness when you lean in, and is classic approval seeking behaviour. Remember to lean back a little too, you don?t want to topple into her lap, keep eye contact this will make you appear relaxed and confident, most importantly this will make her feel more relaxed and not feel like you're crowding her space. Tease, keep things light hearted by joking around, rather than being too serious, teasing is a highly effective attraction trigger if done correctly. The key here is to be funny, but not so much that you come off as the village idiot.

Talk about something you're really passionate about, maybe chose a Hikki song that might suit the occasion, revealing this to her might convey inner sensitivity, especially if you play the track to her, try and be casual, because these are things that show confidence.

My Dad used silly jokes when chatting up Mum when they first met at college..... one of Dad favourites:

Two carrots were walking down the road when a huge truck slammed into one of them. An ambulance was called and they rushed the little orange fellow off to the hospital where he immediately went into hours of surgery. Finally the doctor emerged and approached the other carrot that had been anxiously waiting in the waiting room. "Tell me and don?t spare the details, how is he?" The doctor replied, "I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is he's going to live. The bad news is he's going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life.

Mum loves Dads sense humour, the thought that my conception could have come down to the quality of Dad jokes is somewhat alarming
Posted on: 2009/9/16 5:28
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
Man Pips you're really a guru in this thread.

From what i've done, showing that you're a fun person to be around is a good idea. Like find some way to connect. If the girl has a discreet Inuyasha symbol on her bag, point it out and confess how you loved the show and how you wish it didn't end the way it did. And then move on from there. Somethin like that.

Somewhat of a good idea Pips?
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/9/16 15:48
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226

Pips_Paradise wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:
It was today and she came late so she sat on the other side of the room cause someone was in here seat. :/ I was bored this time around too,so my eyes kept wandering over there.But still have yet to make any advances -_- my damn nerves are getting the best of me.And the Kisturabami chick didn't come today :/.

LoBFCanti, use body language, you want to cheekily "lean in" a little, this subtly conveys neediness when you lean in, and is classic approval seeking behaviour. Remember to lean back a little too, you don?t want to topple into her lap, keep eye contact this will make you appear relaxed and confident, most importantly this will make her feel more relaxed and not feel like you're crowding her space. Tease, keep things light hearted by joking around, rather than being too serious, teasing is a highly effective attraction trigger if done correctly. The key here is to be funny, but not so much that you come off as the village idiot.

Talk about something you're really passionate about, maybe chose a Hikki song that might suit the occasion, revealing this to her might convey inner sensitivity, especially if you play the track to her, try and be casual, because these are things that show confidence.

My Dad used silly jokes when chatting up Mum when they first met at college..... one of Dad favourites:

Two carrots were walking down the road when a huge truck slammed into one of them. An ambulance was called and they rushed the little orange fellow off to the hospital where he immediately went into hours of surgery. Finally the doctor emerged and approached the other carrot that had been anxiously waiting in the waiting room. "Tell me and don?t spare the details, how is he?" The doctor replied, "I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is he's going to live. The bad news is he's going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life.

Mum loves Dads sense humour, the thought that my conception could have come down to the quality of Dad jokes is somewhat alarming

I'm such a dry sarcasm person! T.T,but I'm not that worried.It's just opening the door that I'm having problems with,staying in couldn't be to hard.
Posted on: 2009/9/16 16:10
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Crushes
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285

Josh_Shing wrote:
Man Pips you're really a guru in this thread.

From what i've done, showing that you're a fun person to be around is a good idea. Like find some way to connect. If the girl has a discreet Inuyasha symbol on her bag, point it out and confess how you loved the show and how you wish it didn't end the way it did. And then move on from there. Somethin like that.

Somewhat of a good idea Pips?

I could not put it any better Josh...I think we all like honesty and sensitivity in equal measures !!?

It is so difficult to judge without feeling foolish when we call it wrong...
Posted on: 2009/9/17 7:48
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
Hey all how's it goin!

Dunno if this would fit well in this topic but oh well! I feel it's important to pass on this bit of info.

Ok so during calculus class at the college today, me and this girl that sits next to me started having the usual small talk. During the lecture, she took my unopened notebook and started flipping to the cleanest page and started writing a message.

We basically wrote stuff like "Hi! You're (insert name) right? Yep!" and i sort of copied her messages on her notebook just with her info. So we were basically writing messages to each other silently with a few chuckles on the other's notebook.

She noticed i was sort of mimicking her messages so she asked if i was mocking her. I said not really and then she called me a liar. I then said "do you hate me?". She replied nooo i (insert my name)! So i said "yay i love (insert her name)!"


Right there just after i wrote "love" i realized i made a HUGE mistake!! I broke the big Guys rule 101!! Never say i love (person's name) to their face if you don't mean it! So i frantically erased "love" and put a instead! I wrote "love" because my mind and many others' associate the with love so i just wrote love instead... That's a big no no..

Phew! I hope she didn't catch the word "love" before it got erased.. MY FELLOW GUYS! WHEN FLIRTING WITH GIRLS, DO NOT SAY "I LOVE YOU" UNLESS YOU MEAN IT! ESPECIALLY WHEN TYPING OR WRITING ON LITTLE PAPER MESSAGES!! It can drag you into the void of GAME OVER where it is very hard and tricky to escape from unscathed..

\( >o< )/ NOOOO!!
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/10/11 14:43
Re: Crushes
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
I have a Japanese crush, and in my same sex. They visited the Philippines 2 months ago, but I didn't get the chance to see them. My friend, who accompanied their Youth team asked me to translate words into Japanese to tell them. Unfortunately, that time I was so busy so I wasn't able to meet them

On the other hand, my friend told them stories about me that I'am keen to Japan, and I'am eager to learn Japanese, so she asked if I could add them in facebook and they agreed.

There were 6 of them and I became friends to the 5. I was able to talk with them through facebook chat. When I was chatting with one of them (who certainly became my crush, or I don't know how to describe my current feeling), I really got interested with her, and she's fun. I learned knew things from her, and there were no dull chat moments with her. We get along that much, but she's been so busy now and been not online in facebook for a month already.

Every night I was waiting for her to return, for her to be online. But I failed. Up until now I'm still waiting. She joined a couple of youth organizations and been busy for her studies, I understand that honestly. But I really miss her. It makes me feel sad seeing that she's not online.

I really find it weird if I call it love, maybe an obsession or crush. But oh, I don't know. I can't move on, it really makes me smile talking with her.

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2009/10/12 2:16
Re: Crushes
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074

Josh_Shing wrote:
Hey all how's it goin!

Dunno if this would fit well in this topic but oh well! I feel it's important to pass on this bit of info.

Ok so during calculus class at the college today, me and this girl that sits next to me started having the usual small talk. During the lecture, she took my unopened notebook and started flipping to the cleanest page and started writing a message.

We basically wrote stuff like "Hi! You're (insert name) right? Yep!" and i sort of copied her messages on her notebook just with her info. So we were basically writing messages to each other silently with a few chuckles on the other's notebook.

She noticed i was sort of mimicking her messages so she asked if i was mocking her. I said not really and then she called me a liar. I then said "do you hate me?". She replied nooo i (insert my name)! So i said "yay i love (insert her name)!"


Right there just after i wrote "love" i realized i made a HUGE mistake!! I broke the big Guys rule 101!! Never say i love (person's name) to their face if you don't mean it! So i frantically erased "love" and put a instead! I wrote "love" because my mind and many others' associate the with love so i just wrote love instead... That's a big no no..

Phew! I hope she didn't catch the word "love" before it got erased.. MY FELLOW GUYS! WHEN FLIRTING WITH GIRLS, DO NOT SAY "I LOVE YOU" UNLESS YOU MEAN IT! ESPECIALLY WHEN TYPING OR WRITING ON LITTLE PAPER MESSAGES!! It can drag you into the void of GAME OVER where it is very hard and tricky to escape from unscathed..

\( >o< )/ NOOOO!!

That was cute I recall my High School days throwing papers and saying "Hello" to your crush. haha

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2009/10/12 2:18
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Crushes
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
^Nyah ha thank you. One time someone threw one of those valentines heart candies at me during 8th grade and i didn't know what it really meant at the time (me being so little and silly). After looking around to find the culprit of the catapulted candy, i ate it. It was warm..

And soulhunter i know it's hard to move on but just take it one day at a time, you'll see that there are better fish out there. Last year, i saw who i thought was the HOTTEST girl within a 15 mile radius at my college and i always melted inside when i walked past her. She's transfered to a bigger university and now i miss her. But i know i got to move on cuz then if i don't, i'll be missing what's going on in my OWN life. You've only got one life. Don't spend most of it living in a fantasy life when you should be thankful you have a real life. Live life i suppose. Cliche perhaps but it's what i figured out and it's all real true.
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/10/12 17:52
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