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  Does anybody play any sports?


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  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623

PRinCe wrote:
I play tennis. I had only hit the teacher once
i have no more lesson, i only play with my freinds.
Does anybody can recommend and other sport
Haha, I had hit my teacher once too. Playing soft ball, hahaha I hit his leg. Really close, to his you know what. xD
Posted on: 2006/1/25 1:30
  •  Blaze
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2006/1/23
A/S/L 15/M/UK
Posts: 23
oh ya...i forgot to mention i also played tennis before, i reckon both sports are good but i think badminton would be better fun since tennis does take a little more time to practice.
私の偶像: 宇多田ヒカル
Posted on: 2006/1/25 10:12
  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623

Blaze wrote:
oh ya...i forgot to mention i also played tennis before, i reckon both sports are good but i think badminton would be better fun since tennis does take a little more time to practice.
Hehe thanks! x3
Posted on: 2006/1/25 22:35
  •  berryz
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2005/11/14
Posts: 758
i say you should go for tennis, dont know why. maybe becuase i like that sport better! XD

dont play anymore sports because i got annoyed with the teachers and im busy now, but i used to play soccer, volleyball, netball and karate. i still do karate. (and of corse, school sports). ever since i saw my friend train for tennis, i wanted to try the sport. it seemes so much fun. but my parents are busy and we dont have the money... =( doesnt matter, i enjoy watching the matches, especially Maria Sharapovas games! shes so good
Posted on: 2006/1/25 23:50
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008
well i play soccer ( im mexican) so of course i love soccer im obssed wit it
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2006/6/7 21:30
  •  -kairi-
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2006/2/3
A/S/L 16/F/Spain
Posts: 282
Um... right now I'm going to horse riding classes...and I love it!!!! But when I was younger... I used to go swiming...I also went to Judo classes (1 year) then Karate... but not 2 much...only 3 months or something...I was only trying new sports...hehehe
I Hikki
Posted on: 2006/6/8 6:27
  •  riku
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2006/4/12
A/S/L 16/Female/Belgium
Posts: 134
my first sport was ballet. i hated it. everyone was skinny...
then i did 4 years of judo (i loved that sport) and then 3 years badminton.
currently, my sport is being lazy. it's a funny sport and you don't have to be atletic for it lol
Posted on: 2006/6/8 13:13
  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623

riku wrote:
my first sport was ballet. i hated it. everyone was skinny...
then i did 4 years of judo (i loved that sport) and then 3 years badminton.
currently, my sport is being lazy. it's a funny sport and you don't have to be atletic for it lol
LOL I'm the champ at being lazy. xD But I hecka want to try tennis! =3
Posted on: 2006/6/8 19:10
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008

tombraiderjmm wrote:

riku wrote:
my first sport was ballet. i hated it. everyone was skinny...
then i did 4 years of judo (i loved that sport) and then 3 years badminton.
currently, my sport is being lazy. it's a funny sport and you don't have to be atletic for it lol
LOL I'm the champ at being lazy. xD But I hecka want to try tennis! =3

no tombraider im the champoin at bien lazy i dont have a job and all i do for excrise si goin to the bathroom ooo beat that
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2006/6/8 20:10
  •  Unregistered
Re: Does anybody play any sports?
AT SCHOOL:i joined the girl's basketball and volleyball team.!very fun. AT HOME:i play soccer and swim(i like playing races when swimming^^).!very fun.AT THE PARK:i play softball with friends.!very fun.CLASSES:i've done tae kwon do.me and one of my brother's went. "oww" some times.

Posted on: 2006/6/10 22:00
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