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  How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?


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  •  joeri
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/12/7
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Posts: 174
good question there! :P
euh when i fist heard her sing was at the intro of kingdom hearts (most of us i think O.o) and i thought she...could be cute but i dident had a paticulair image of her. i guess she was american and thats it. wheb i found a song called hikari i started to wonder...is it her or not? her english voice and her japanese voice was a big difference at the time so i doubted. the i used....drum roll....... google.
then i was like O.O...omi gosh! she's cute! XD and then it happend....my asian adicting era.... at that time i listened to jpop and that was.....6 years ago? :O
Posted on: 2009/12/10 2:55
  •  JimJam
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/7/28
A/S/L 25 / M / UK
Posts: 225
Wow, that's a good question!
I remember a long time ago, before the original Kingdom Hearts came out, an advert came on TV for it. I was obsessed with the song, and wanted forced my friend to download it for me. I never really put much thought into who sung it, because back then it was put onto an MP3 player without any details (I don't think it even had her name on the song).
When I got my first iPod, that's when I became obsessed with getting every piece of info. right on songs, filling in all the blanks (I know, I'm weird :D).
And when it came to Simple and Clean, I had no idea. So I researched it on Wikipedia, and found out the singer was actually Japanese-American. I was like "Wow...".
And then I saw she had an entire back-catalogue of songs. However, this was much later, in around 2004, after the release of EXODUS. I honestly cannot remember when I became obsessed with having everything Utada's ever done.
I do, however, remember that I liked Megumi Hayashibara as well, and wanted to have more Hayashibara songs than Utada, so for every Utada song I got, I got another Hayashibara song.
Today, my Utada song collection stands at 308. Megumi still stands at 25, after I stopped caring, haha!
Posted on: 2009/12/15 21:40
  •  Marce
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/7/14
Posts: 6
I was living on base in Japan at the time. For some crazy reason when I heard "First Love" for the first time I thought that she was an american woman who was trying to break into the japanese market. When I heard the english version of Hikari for the first time I couldnt even believe it was the same person. In first love, the english parts seemed to have a stronger new york accent to them, she sounded completely different in simple and clean.
Posted on: 2009/12/16 8:35
  •  kaitolentino
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/12/16
Posts: 1
Well, the very first time i listen to Utada is when I watched Hana Yori Dango. i fell inlove with the song "Flavor of Life" and to her voice (nothing i ever heard before). But I didnt know Utada back then, did not know she was that big. Anyway, I didnt really pictured her because I was too amaze by her voice! Then around that same time, my friend told me about this Japanese artist named Utada Hikaru that sings really good because my friend knows I love mostly everything about Japan. Then i youtubed Utada. Then bam! I automatically fell inlove with her! I think shes the only artist i really fell inlove with! She's just so amazing!
Posted on: 2009/12/16 9:09
  •  IceAngel
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2006/1/19
A/S/L 23/Female/UK
Posts: 232
I first heard her voice around, yes you guessed it, the kingdom hearts release. I didnt know she was Japanese until typed in Simple and Clean on the internet. It came up 'Utada Hikaru' and I was like 'huh... so shes, Japanese.' I remember I was using my dads old work laptop so he didnt have language packs installed for Japanese but I clicked on her official website anyways. I remember it was the Sakura Drops layout and I thought 'wow this is pretty' When I clicked on the Sakura Drops preview I wasnt sure I didnt pay much attention to it but I thought it was amazing that she could sing so well in English and Japanese.
Posted on: 2009/12/16 16:05
  •  Cz96
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/7/9
A/S/L 13/F/Malaysia
Posts: 103
I saw Utada Hikaru's name in my brother's laptop before and I thought she is a guy until I search her in google onli I know she is a girl.My first song I heard frm her is "First Love".I love this song so much and I keep search for her songs.I didn really imagine how her face look like..

Im so stupid thought utada is a guy =.=
Posted on: 2009/12/17 1:16
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
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well for me when i first heard her voice i thought she was white xDD
Posted on: 2009/12/17 8:36
  •  Unregistered
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
It wasn't until my partner beat the second Kingdom Hearts game with the "After the Battle" version of Sanctuary that I had heard of her. I thought "Utada" was one of those strange electronic band names, probably British for some reason. So, yeah, I thought she was white and British and some dude was doing the programming. Never did I imagine "Utada" was a Japanese surname.

I downloaded some of the KH stuff, both the English and Japanese versions of Hikari and Passion and lost my mind when I found out she was Japanese. ("Like Ayumi?" I thought to myself.) Then after looking her up on Wikipedia, I found the "Singles Collection". I haven't been the same since.
Posted on: 2009/12/17 12:09
  •  NickyNacker
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/12/17
A/S/L 18/M/US
Posts: 15
I can't answer this, because I saw the cover of TITO before I heard her hahaha :P
Posted on: 2009/12/17 17:31
  •  azhar0153
Re: How did you imagine Utada looking when you first heard her voice?
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2009/12/20
A/S/L 17/ M/ INA
Posts: 24
when I first her song "automatic", I thought she would looks like queen of pop with cool fashioned style
Posted on: 2009/12/20 22:50
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