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  Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...


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  •  NGBear
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/3/13
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TadakoXIII wrote:
Disney doesn't pay?!! o_O wtf, that's messed up. They should be paying them BILLIONS.

Anyway ... it's okay. I mean, the third KH game won't have Sora and the gang as the main characters, so it kind of feels alright with me. I love KH1-2 and if KH3 is going to start off in a new-ish plot, then all the more to renew the game with a new song artist. It was an honor to have KH1-2 be affiliated with Utada songs!! Now when I'll think of the 'Sora arc', i'll think of Utada. :3

Where did you hear that sora wont be in the third installment of kingdom hearts because Tetsuya Nomura said in an interview "that once that all current kingdom hearts projects are finshed (coded & birth by sleep) maybe sora will get his turn" so im sure he was clearly hinting that sora will be next game

Anyway back to Utada how can disney not pay her they must have loads of money from all the successful franchises they have right o.0 ???
Posted on: 2009/6/10 11:04
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/16
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NGBear wrote:

TadakoXIII wrote:
Anyway ... it's okay. I mean, the third KH game won't have Sora and the gang as the main characters, so it kind of feels alright with me. I love KH1-2 and if KH3 is going to start off in a new-ish plot, then all the more to renew the game with a new song artist. It was an honor to have KH1-2 be affiliated with Utada songs!! Now when I'll think of the 'Sora arc', i'll think of Utada. :3

Where did you hear that sora wont be in the third installment of kingdom hearts because Tetsuya Nomura said in an interview "that once that all current kingdom hearts projects are finshed (coded & birth by sleep) maybe sora will get his turn" so im sure he was clearly hinting that sora will be next game


WELL THEN!! IN THAT CASE!! ...This majorly sucks monkey balls!! :D I thought i read somewhere that Sora wouldn't be the main character though. I got that little tidbit of info a while ago so i can't remember where i leanred it from. Hmm. X3 I dunno now~ But if Sora and the gang are still going to be the main focus of the game and Utada isn't going to be singing for the third game... well, i'd be sorely upset! I blame Disney, lolz. XD

[edit] ps, i agree with everyone else's opinions. XD
`tadako kazahaya ~ aka tako/taco
Posted on: 2009/6/10 13:40
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/1/26
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i figured that they wernt gonna have them in it

i think sqaure enix is gonna be taking control more over this one ( well i hope so :D )

i loved kh 1 & 2 but i think u tada is too busy to do another one
Posted on: 2009/6/10 15:27
  •  NGBear
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/3/13
A/S/L 17/Male/London
Posts: 113
Ah well time will tell

The next big kingdom heart game wont be out for years, so Utada maybe busy at the moment but maybe not so busy during the next couple of years, but then again judging from the interview making the kingdom hearts songs was alot of hard work for her

Hopefull time and some cash from disney XD will persuade her to make the next kingdom hearts theme song
(fingers crossed)

But im kinda confused does square pay her but disney doesnt and she wants disney to pay her aswell or does she not get paid at all for making these songs
Posted on: 2009/6/10 16:28
  •  quincye93
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/3/21
A/S/L 23/M/USA
Posts: 167
That's really disappointing considering I found out about Utada through the Kingdom Hearts series :/

Who will sing the theme then or will there even be a sung theme?
Posted on: 2009/6/10 18:48
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/15
A/S/L 23/F/RSA
Posts: 368
WTF?! Utada aint doing the next theme?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Disney doesn't pay? WTF? That aint right...
I can understand why she wouldn't want to 'strain' herself with diferences between writing and singing in English and Japanese...but I think like 90% of fans from outside of Asia became fans after Simple and Clean...

It's gonna be real disappointing when KHIII does come out...who will do the theme then? I doubt it'll be anywhere near what Hikki's accomplished with the previous themes, english and japanese...

Somethings just not right here...
Posted on: 2009/6/11 9:20
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/2/10
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When was this interview conducted, again? I know the magazine just came out, but I was pretty sure the interview itself was conducted a while back. Since then, Nomura apparently got Utada/EMI to agree to letting them use "Passion"/"Sanctuary" in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, meaning that maybe Utada and Disney are on good terms again.
Besides, I had never thought it was Disney who really contracted her in the first place. It always seemed to me that Nomura, from Square, was the one who set up the arrangement. Square has gotten popular Japanese singers to lend their voices to other game series of theirs like Final Fantasy and whatnot, which has nothing to do with Disney, so why would Utada's contract be tied to Disney instead of Square? Disney just lends characters to the game and gathers royalties.
But, anyway, I'm thinking Utada might come back for KH3. I mean, it's a long way off, and things could have changed by then. She did two of the games already, and if they didn't pay her enough for KHII they DEFINITELY didn't pay her very much for KHI (since it was a new game that probably wasn't a huge priority), which means that money probably doesn't factor hugely into Utada's decision. I actually think that's just an excuse; personally, I wouldn't be surprised if Utada is planning to take her long-planned "break" from singing to go have kids or something relatively soon. I expect that, if anything, would be why she wouldn't sing for KH3.
Also, notice that it was Utada's father (and manager) who answered the question directly. She said, "I don't know, probably not," and he expanded by saying, "We said no to Disney." He was also the one that clarified it's because they don't pay enough. I think Utada just likes to sing and make art, so if working on KH3 sounds like a good deal on that level, maybe she'll reconsider taking it on.
In the end, I hope she returns, because if not it will make the KH series that much less inspiring for me. The story is already kind of growing old and Nomura needs to start adding some spice quick. 358/2 Days just sounds like CoM with Roxas and Coded is played on cell phones. BBS is the only one out of the new set that I think is going to be worth the wait, and I really hope I'm not wrong.
And, really, if Utada's dad thinks that SHE'S getting paid too little for putting songs together for the game he should see the voice actors' wallets! Cry me an effing river.

Posted on: 2009/6/11 13:02
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/16
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XD Shurikid !! You always have interesting inputs and i think you're really funny. :D I'm just going to agree with everything you said since i have nothing else to say on this matter, aka this is a pointless post to bring joyous affirmation to someone else's comment.

I kind of agree with you on the plot thing though. The end of KHII seemed so well wrapped up (in my opinion anyways, although i personally wanted to milk more out of the plot a bit as a rabid fan) that I was totally not surprised when i heard (unconfirmed) rumors of KHIII bringing in a new-ish plot (kinda like a spin-off thing?)... which is why i said that I was okay with Utada not doing the theme song a few posts back because i thought it would only enhance the "newness" of the third game. (lolz was that a run-on sentence?!) But, of course, we don't know what the third game is about when it comes down to it.

`tadako kazahaya ~ aka tako/taco
Posted on: 2009/6/11 22:30
  •  Hikki101
Re: Utada will not sing the next theme for KH series...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/2/20
A/S/L 17/ M/ Bangkok
Posts: 387

AngelHikari wrote:
WTF?! Utada aint doing the next theme?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Disney doesn't pay? WTF? That aint right...
I can understand why she wouldn't want to 'strain' herself with diferences between writing and singing in English and Japanese...but I think like 90% of fans from outside of Asia became fans after Simple and Clean...

It's gonna be real disappointing when KHIII does come out...who will do the theme then? I doubt it'll be anywhere near what Hikki's accomplished with the previous themes, english and japanese...

Somethings just not right here...

lol. ur funny, AngelHikari. but with good insight
Posted on: 2009/6/11 22:59
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