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  Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible (opinion)


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  •  thechampion116
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/5/28
Posts: 3
The title is very misleading.

Its just an assumption made by the user.

I would love for them to work together. I think it's quite ignorant of people to completely dismiss the idea. Kanye is a 'hit' maker and makes great music. Its not about whether you dislike the autotune, rapping, ego his music is very good.

I listen to practically every major genre and Kanye is definitely one of the better music makers out right now.

It doesn't matter if he has an ego or not because that's not the point. The ego issues mainly stem from him getting mad with not winning awards. He doesn't hate the artists that wins them, he just feels that he deserved to win instead. You guys/girls make it out like he has some outrageous ego where he won't work with people or is just someone you can't simply work with. I think that's totally wrong. Many of his songs is collaborations whether it be Chris Martin of Coldplay or T-Pain. Also I don't think that is much of an ego to begin with. So what if he wants to win, that's PASSION.

He has the right mentality in my opinion. What's of point of being happy with coming in 2nd or 3rd??? Everyone is out to win and not out to just be second. People may deny it but in their heart thats how they truly feel. Ask yourself if your gonna be happy coming in 2nd for the rest of your life? Also he is being himself, he is not some manufactured pop star being fed lines.
Posted on: 2009/5/28 19:37
  •  Unregistered
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible

thechampion116 wrote:

He has the right mentality in my opinion. What's of point of being happy with coming in 2nd or 3rd??? Everyone is out to win and not out to just be second. People may deny it but in their heart thats how they truly feel. Ask yourself if your gonna be happy coming in 2nd for the rest of your life? Also he is being himself, he is not some manufactured pop star being fed lines.

I couldn't disagree more, music is not a competition it's an art form. If all you care about is winning meaningless awards then maybe he should go play a sport, a real musician would never act the way he does about such trivial things.
It's that type of childish mentality that makes him hated by so many people.

On top of that he is an arrogant,self-aggrandizing moron who actually admitted to being a "proud non reader" just recently.
His anti-intellectualism and egotistical behavior would never fly with a person like Utada who is both very humble and extremely intelligent.
Posted on: 2009/5/28 20:39
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/16
A/S/L 20 /F /rep'n dirtee jerzee
Posts: 261
Interesting discussion.

That is all i have to say. LOL. X'D I'm sorry.

I have no opinion on how their personalities would mesh/clash... But i won't deny that Kanye's pretty good as an artist too. (i just prefer Hikki. :B) I think if they DID do a collab, it'd sound so frickin' hot. @_@;;

that being said, i however think it's unlikely that'd happen.
`tadako kazahaya ~ aka tako/taco
Posted on: 2009/5/28 22:10
  •  teiku5
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/5/16
Posts: 88
Kanye and Hikki are both best at their own fields of music.

He may have a big ego but its about the music and as some said before, he is a hit maker. For his genre of Hip-hop music, it can be considered very different. Same can go for Hikki, she is labeled as Pop but we all know her music has no genre limits :)
Posted on: 2009/5/28 22:16
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/2/10
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OK, wow. I just had to Wiki Kanye West because I have no idea who he is. This is how little I indulge myself in American pop music. Or any pop music, really. But can I just say this:

Ghostdog wrote:
On top of that he is an arrogant,self-aggrandizing moron who actually admitted to being a "proud non reader" just recently.
His anti-intellectualism and egotistical behavior would never fly with a person like Utada who is both very humble and extremely intelligent.

First off, literacy is not a form of intelligence, it's an ability. Whether or not they can read, people can still have a high potential for observing and understanding. Moreover, West clearly is capable of reading and writing, he just chooses not to. Therefore, intellectually speaking, West's statement that he is a "proud non-reader" does not necessarily reflect his level of intelligence. It just means he doesn't like books.
Second of all, I read the article in the link you provided, and I have to say that he actually sounds pretty intelligent to me. You're quoting his "proud non-reader" statement completely out of context. West justifies his lacking passion for reading by stating, "I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life." That makes sense to me. I'm actually an avid reader and an aspiring novelist, but I can see how reading just plain wouldn't interest some people. It's called diversity: not everyone's the same. Some people prefer more engaging activities. I don't like sports. Does that mean I'm inherently unfit physically?
As for his personality issues, I don't know enough about West to analyze him on basis of attitude, but I do know that people often tend to misinterpret self-love for selfishness. I would actually say it's pretty presumptuous for any of us to assume whether or not Hikki would get along with Kanye West. That would be for her to decide for herself. And if she's up for it, I'm up for it. <3

Oh, and I do have to agree with this:

Ghostdog wrote:
...music is not a competition it's an art form.


Posted on: 2009/5/29 0:32
  •  Hikki101
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible ( opinion )
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/2/20
A/S/L 17/ M/ Bangkok
Posts: 387

S0ySauce wrote:
This thread's title can be very misleading, at least it was for me.

When I first saw this thread I thought "Oh nooooooo......." 'cause I actually thought that their were rumors that Hikki will be working with Kanye West.

I'm not bagging on West for his personality but I just don't think his music is all that great.
Just because he's popular doesn't mean Hikki should collaborate with him. I don't think that getting massive recognition from the US is a top priority either.
If fame is all Hikki wanted then she would've worked with justin timberlake, britney spears, and all the other mainstream artists in the U.S

You're totally right
Posted on: 2009/5/29 3:04
  •  CherrySoda
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/2/9
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ghostdog wrote:
No way in heck.
Kanye has a massive ego and outside of his fanbase is pretty much hated universally for being a huge douchebag.

I'd rather see Hikki fail then watch her work with that idiot.
Anyway it doesn't matter because she has already stated in her Kiwibox interview that she is "done with pop music".
Her next album will be more weird and experimental like Exodus.

One last thing, do you really think that Hikki would ever associate herself with someone who calls himself a "proud non- reader":

100% agree with GhostDog here...
Kanye is a complete douchebag...and just, ugh. I do NOT like him whatsoever.
Posted on: 2009/5/29 8:42
  •  kayoko
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
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if they are to become succesful...i think kanye has to go back to the graduation era...that style has beast...im not fond of rap...but im an avid listener to that album...his style was real...not too hard, and his voice is kind of soft...not that aggressive tone like some other artists...but thats my take...

and hikki would explode i america if she dueted with kanye...with that big of a fanbase between to two...one can only imagine one successful album done together would do for both of their reps...in both countries as well
Posted on: 2009/5/29 18:14
  •  khutadafreak24
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2007/9/26
Posts: 9
i'm not completely sure about this one ..... i'd have to hear it ... i dont know much about kanye... his personality... his music is good though.... i think it might e an intresting idea..
Posted on: 2009/5/30 19:43
  •  Unregistered
Re: Utada & Kanye West, Very Possible (opinion)
this topic IS very misleading. However, Kanye recently admitted that he's a douchebag and has vowed to fix that image.

Besides that, Kanye's sound owns no matter what. I've always been a big fan of his, despite the attitude. "Through The Wire" still gives me chills (the fact that he recorded it with his mouth wired shut).

Hikki and Kanye would be an epic pairing and he would most likely make her a bigger mainstream name here in the US.

I think Hikki SHOULD hook up with some major artists here. She's def got the connections, you know...


Besides what I just said above, I don't think that Hikki would be so snotty about who she works with. I mean, we all know she's a kind, caring, social person. I really couldn't tell you who Hikki -wouldn't- want to work with over here. She likes diversity. I could totally see her not just hooking up with Kanye, but also someone else in the rap field like Dr. Dre or Andre 3000 and also people like Rihanna and Britney Spears. She's already done a track with Foxy Brown (HEL-LO! Gangster Rapper!). The possibilities for her here are endless and I think that she should make the most of it. If she and Kanye do a track together, I support it 100%
Posted on: 2009/5/31 20:16
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