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  •  Amaterasu
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
Thank your for the direct reply, Eni. I suppose I'm really 'spamming' the forum this night.

You're right though .. and I'm glad that you can point it out. I can say it too - because it does seem contradictory. Let's just assume for the sake of arguement that there is a perfectly good reason of why God can know the ends of all people and things but still have our ability to choose in life freely to not be undermined. Currently, this is your belief - and I'm not here to trod on it. And I did get my answer - so thanks.

Thanks for taking it so well, SwallowTail!

Okay, you're not into Paris Hilton. Letsee what we should talk about. I know ! The stock markets! That US dollar is pretty low.. isn't it? Did you know that the Canadian dollar was above it about July? Crazy stuff, isn't it? I was buying things on the Internet left and right. Canadians were driving down to the USA to buy stuff, as Canadian prices were still over-inflated at that point in time. Things are more or less back to normal, although poor NA economical forecasts mean that the CAD and the USD are both taking a hit right now. The stuff I usually buy from internet shops from Japan are out of the question now, as the Yen (oddly) is very high despite their long-term depression. Wait - I didn't even get to talk about stocks & bonds. Invest early. For the long term. Diversify and risk-manage. Avoid emotional choices and do your research! That's my advice!

Or maybe you'd like what Hikaru talks to Kuma about.

"How about those expired mislabelled foods in the grocery stores?" "Yeah! It's a big problem!" *nod*

That's why I LURVE Hikki!

That was so very o/t.
Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:12
  •  Amaterasu
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
See no real answer until u died

Let me answer your joking observation with another joke, then!

What then would the answer matter? You're dead!

I mean.. after you're dead.. the whole thing about free will during life somewhat.. yeah.. Doesn't matter? Yeah...
Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:16
  •  eni-san
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/9/11
A/S/L it's a secret
Posts: 152

Amaterasu wrote:


Or maybe you'd like what Hikaru talks to Kuma about.

"How about those expired mislabelled foods in the grocery stores?" "Yeah! It's a big problem!" *nod*

That's why I LURVE Hikki!

That was so very o/t.


that reminds me of something my friend said once...he was in a group of people who weren't talking to each other...so he just said, "SOOOOO...who likes bacon?" and the room exploded in conversation.

Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:24
  •  eni-san
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/9/11
A/S/L it's a secret
Posts: 152
ok...so i totally think this thread is officially off topic...it's a shame...

in other news...yay! i'm not an "utadanet newbie" anymore! ^^


ok, shutting up and going back to studying now...
Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:26
  •  SwallowTail
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
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Interesting word's ama but well I am always stay positive in my life that's why [Noel Jones inspired me to stay positive] , no matter what happen even it is hard or not.

Uhmmm mocking ppl with word nice salute Yoshaaa , feeling lonely huh, u need attention from other ppl, never mind Please think other ppl thought if u said a words.... wonder is that the reason why you have enemies from other site that u said in other thread.

Its easy to remember other ppl fault but it would be nicer if u remember the good one.

Ups getting off topic well this is always happen, see ya
Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:30
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
Wow i loved your original post amaterasu.. very thougtful..

I myself also believe that i make my own decisions, which in turn mold what i will become in the future. I too have the urge to fight to the end even if there is 1.7% chance of hope for me in living during a life or death situation. I wanna go down trying, guns blazing and everything. It may not happen but that's the plan.. Hopefully it won't ever have to happen.

If there is any part of fate in me, i would have to say that it's the part where i was born into a great and kind family that takes care of me no matter what. It was my destiny to have a family that sticks together thru thick and thin. My family may not be the best in almost everything, but that's where the decisions i make come in, where my plans to try and improve my family's life break in.
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2008/11/4 21:50
  •  Amaterasu
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
Hello Josh, and thanks for the thought filled reply.

Wow i loved your original post amaterasu.. very thougtful..

I myself also believe that i make my own decisions, which in turn mold what i will become in the future. I too have the urge to fight to the end even if there is 1.7% chance of hope for me in living during a life or death situation. I wanna go down trying, guns blazing and everything. It may not happen but that's the plan.. Hopefully it won't ever have to happen.

If there is any part of fate in me, i would have to say that it's the part where i was born into a great and kind family that takes care of me no matter what. It was my destiny to have a family that sticks together thru thick and thin. My family may not be the best in almost everything, but that's where the decisions i make come in, where my plans to try and improve my family's life break in.

So you didn't appreciate my latter posts? (Ha ha ha ha!)

You use the word 'fate' and so.. does that mean that in some way, you believe that you were 'meant' to be placed into the family that you are in now? Or perhaps do you just just it as a word, offhandedly without a connotation that suggests predeterminism?

I'm glad to hear that you, too, have a will to fight. I admit, sometimes it is very difficult when depression takes hold. A feeling of helplessness does take over and it seems as for whatever effect you may do.. it ends up all the same. But.. to go with guns blazing. In that glory. ^_^ Bwa ha ha. That's all that matters sometimes; having the heart of a warrior.

Moreso positively: it's wonderful that you appreciate your family on such an emotional level. I love mine: I just simply do. Unlike you, I cannot count on their unconditional emotional or physical support.. but they are kind in their own right. To appreciate what we have as humans is perhaps a very important facet of life.

In western society, to coin the marketing phrase, we're encouraged to 'Be all you can be.' which is wonderful and urges us to progress. But sometimes being happy with what IS is an integral part of existence. Or even accepting what IS as reality.. coming to terms with it, I mean. That is a very difficult hurdle to cross at times.

Eni, your friend's line is a bit like mine. Except mine never gets people talking. They just laugh at, "Sooo.. how about them stock markets?" It makes the awkward moment diliberately highlighted and helps people feel at ease.

Uhmmm mocking ppl with word nice salute Yoshaaa , feeling lonely huh, u need attention from other ppl, never mind Please think other ppl thought if u said a words.... wonder is that the reason why you have enemies from other site that u said in other thread.

To be honest, Swallowtail .. you don't seem as a good of a sport that I took you for. Now we resort to personal jabs. I'll be blunt then: I made, as I saw, an intelligent, thought provoking and overall positive thread. You came into this thread and shat all over it. I took it in good humour.

If it's your wish, I'll simply ignore your posts from hereon in. If that's your ultimate goal, I'd be happy to grant it.
Posted on: 2008/11/4 22:03
  •  eni-san
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/9/11
A/S/L it's a secret
Posts: 152
yay! more people are commenting...woot.


Amaterasu wrote:

Uhmmm mocking ppl with word nice salute Yoshaaa , feeling lonely huh, u need attention from other ppl, never mind Please think other ppl thought if u said a words.... wonder is that the reason why you have enemies from other site that u said in other thread.

To be honest, Swallowtail .. you don't seem as a good of a sport that I took you for. Now we resort to personal jabs. I'll be blunt then: I made, as I saw, an intelligent, thought provoking and overall positive thread. You came into this thread and shat all over it. I took it in good humour.

If it's your wish, I'll simply ignore your posts from hereon in. If that's your ultimate goal, I'd be happy
to grant it.

yo...let's keep this friendly, ok? pretty please??
Posted on: 2008/11/4 22:11
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828

Amaterasu wrote:
Hello Josh, and thanks for the thought filled reply.

Wow i loved your original post amaterasu.. very thougtful..

I myself also believe that i make my own decisions, which in turn mold what i will become in the future. I too have the urge to fight to the end even if there is 1.7% chance of hope for me in living during a life or death situation. I wanna go down trying, guns blazing and everything. It may not happen but that's the plan.. Hopefully it won't ever have to happen.

If there is any part of fate in me, i would have to say that it's the part where i was born into a great and kind family that takes care of me no matter what. It was my destiny to have a family that sticks together thru thick and thin. My family may not be the best in almost everything, but that's where the decisions i make come in, where my plans to try and improve my family's life break in.

So you didn't appreciate my latter posts? (Ha ha ha ha!)

You use the word 'fate' and so.. does that mean that in some way, you believe that you were 'meant' to be placed into the family that you are in now? Or perhaps do you just just it as a word, offhandedly without a connotation that suggests predeterminism?

I'm glad to hear that you, too, have a will to fight. I admit, sometimes it is very difficult when depression takes hold. A feeling of helplessness does take over and it seems as for whatever effect you may do.. it ends up all the same. But.. to go with guns blazing. In that glory. ^_^ Bwa ha ha. That's all that matters sometimes; having the heart of a warrior.

Moreso positively: it's wonderful that you appreciate your family on such an emotional level. I love mine: I just simply do. Unlike you, I cannot count on their unconditional emotional or physical support.. but they are kind in their own right. To appreciate what we have as humans is perhaps a very important facet of life.

In western society, to coin the marketing phrase, we're encouraged to 'Be all you can be.' which is wonderful and urges us to progress. But sometimes being happy with what IS is an integral part of existence. Or even accepting what IS as reality.. coming to terms with it, I mean. That is a very difficult hurdle to cross at times.

Yah sorry i didn't really look at your other posts.. i just wanted to comment

Ah the heart of a warrior.. such kind words..

Another thing i wanted to say is that when your in that situation where your in deep elephant crap ** and you can't really get yourself out of it ( Nasty dung-filled pothole! What an example..), then that is not entirely your destiny but the result of your lack of bad decision making. Tho there is that possiblity of just bad luck in having to face a challenge that you just could not overcome or passover..

All i wanted to say is that there are times where our human imperfection really gets the best of us and puts us in a kinda deep s**t status, which allows the depression to seep in, making us think that there was no hope in changing or going against the tide known as predetermination or fate.
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2008/11/4 22:28
  •  Amaterasu
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
That does happen - the whole bit of predetermined fate seems to seep in once in a while during depressive cycles.

Perhaps the most important thing to realize is that nothing in this life will last: Buddhism teaches that this is a fleeting world of imperminence. Realising and applying this philosophy is very difficult and often times impossible.

Making the best of the moments we have in circumstances beyond our control - that's something I have to learn to apply more oft. For instance, if tomorrow I were walking outside and a truck smote me, or tonight.. a flaming meteorite flies into my home. These are circumstances well beyond normal people's controls. All we can do is to try and live through them - and hopefully growing as a person while doing just that.
Posted on: 2008/11/5 9:07
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