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  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Options...please
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
THANKS everyone!! I'll take those things into consideration...I appreciate the help.

I think it is trojanhorse that's infecting it...

but really thank you all
Posted on: 2008/7/16 9:09
Re: Options...please
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/2/9
A/S/L 19!!! ???? Philippines
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GIGAcorrupt wrote:
THANKS everyone!! I'll take those things into consideration...I appreciate the help.

I think it is trojanhorse that's infecting it...

but really thank you all

trojanhorese? i think its very easy to detect.. ur pc will be ok now if u download an updated antivirus.. and yes plas get an external hard draive for emergency purposes
um... Wala Lang Naman....
Posted on: 2008/7/16 9:41
Re: Options...please
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/1/4
A/S/L 100 / Female / USA
Posts: 399

GIGAcorrupt wrote:
Ahhhh!!! my comp's fallen ill...it caught a virus and I'm sure it was because of me

my little brother says the only way to get rid of it is to restore the computer...I'm sure there must be another way...I just don't want to loose all of my files...

what should I do?? Aijin, how'd you fix yours???...if you're arround here...

I really need options...

Man that sucks...Last time my bro told me to help him burn this stupid movie onto a disc using my comp (cause he was leaving in a few days) but he didn't know it had some virus crap in it when he downloaded it...and then the disc burning thing crashed and my cursor started twitching and being all choppy & slow...and music was the same way, so choppy, even if I wasn't connected to the internet. GRRR!! omg that effing thing would NOT delete after we did everything using like every antivirus program and all kinds of stuff so I had to completely wipe out everything!! >:O except first I got all my important files/folders and put it on an 8gb flash drive thing so I could put it back in after my comp was clean again. So if you do wipe out everything, at least take all your important stuff first!! (like ayehunny said)

I use AVG, Killbox, Spybot Search&Destroy, and something else...I think KillBox was really helpful when I got a trojan once. x.x
WOOOOOOOOOO ^__________^

Posted on: 2008/7/16 17:47
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Options...please
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
...yeah...I used spybot s&d and I've just got it to working condition...I think I might take all the files I need and restore it ...just to make sure...or I might just keep cleaning it and deleting useless files...but really thanks for the help

*over 100 problems fixed...and still working on more*

also Im gonna get me an external hard drive
Posted on: 2008/7/16 20:39
  •  catseye528
Re: Options...please
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/7/15
A/S/L 30/Only if you want to/A mountain somewhere in Arizona
Posts: 58
Good to hear... Ya you might want to restore your comp too... Or do a clean install... That is one of the reasons I like Dell computers... They give you the install disks for everything. Oh and you might want to scan your files again once they are on the external drive after you do the restore. I would do both a spybot scan and an antivirus scan.
I'm supposed to pick just one? I cannot decide, I will have them all!

What do you mean by there are mountains in Arizona?
Posted on: 2008/7/16 22:32
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Options...please
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193

catseye528 wrote:
Good to hear... Ya you might want to restore your comp too... Or do a clean install... That is one of the reasons I like Dell computers... They give you the install disks for everything. Oh and you might want to scan your files again once they are on the external drive after you do the restore. I would do both a spybot scan and an antivirus scan.

yeah, but there's one I can't get rid off it's called virtumonde.dll ...the comp says I need to reboot to get rid of it...but since my desktop and files have reappeared I'm just gonna save them and restore it ...to get rid of it all...on the positive it'll serve as clean up, but thanks for all the help ^^
Posted on: 2008/7/17 1:03
  •  Unregistered
Re: Options...please
to be honest the best thing i say is use system restore. It's not that bad. I use it all the time. you get to pic a date so at worst when i use it i only loose a few days.
Posted on: 2008/7/17 19:05
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Options...please
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193

kbomb wrote:
to be honest the best thing i say is use system restore. It's not that bad. I use it all the time. you get to pic a date so at worst when i use it i only loose a few days.

...yeah, that's what I'm gonna do...I'll take my files and restore...

thanks for all the help ^^
Posted on: 2008/7/17 21:47
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