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  Kiynteyh wants advice


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Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
well why don't you try it her way? prove her wrong.
Posted on: 2007/10/20 22:11
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Serious problem! Hikki needs our help!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
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Lord Snow wrote:

Kiynteyh wrote:
sry lord snow...
but could u atleast change the subject name to HELP ME or atleast spell my name right plzzz

oh and got any advice?

Don't push my buttons kiddo -.-

sry wasnt trying to... but u could atleast spell my name right or giving me some advice would be nice

hehe.. i would but im afraid it really would kill me in the process cuz its very likely u know i think i'll add that to my presentation

btw thanks lord snow! u made my day alittle better

Edit: Double post btw, don't do it. Make your name something you can say out loud without tangling your tongue with consonants and then you can complain if I get it wrong. Otherwise....And advice? No matter what the problem, kill everything that moves and let God sort it out yeah?
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2007/10/20 22:11
Re: Serious problem! Hikki needs our help!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/4/20
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Posts: 205
I think you should think about it. Cause i move a lot and i still have a relationship with this girl.

I mean, your parents are the one paying for your food, shelter, and stuff. If you think about it, you're kind of being self centered.

You mom needs to expand in her career and she's probably moving because they pay her more. Therefore, benefiting you both. She's not neccesarily throwing ur whole childhood away, but expanding it. Open ur mind up and stuff.

You'll make you friends and you can still keep in touch wit ur boyfrann. I've moved a lot and i'm still happy. I visit my friends all the time.

And you're 13??? The likelyhood of havin ur bf till u two are married is really low. If he's around ur age then trust me. When he gets older, things will change. The hormones will kick in and most guys will start thinking differently about girls.

So you're mom is just being reasonable.

I've lived in Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Thailand, Vietnam, and Kansas. I've also visited Korea. I know that's not considered moving a lot but it's still quite a few.

Posted on: 2007/10/20 22:47
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2006/11/20
A/S/L 15/ F/ Singapore
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well, i guess at thirteen things get complicated sometimes. (esp with parents, im going through it too!).

think about it this way,

if your mum furthers her career, its equal to more family income which is equal to the fact that you can have more things you want, or even more make trips from US to Colorado( please don't tell me Colorado is in US) than you originally could.
well, i don't know bout you but its good for me cause there're lots of things i want but i don't have the money.

you get to make more friends (yeah, i've been through this. let's just say i transfered and lost all my old friends numbers). if your friends in US didn't like something about you, you could correct it it and start anew in Colorado, i often wish i have this chance.

overall, there're two sides to everything, even if it seems primarily bad to you.
Posted on: 2007/10/21 0:01
  •  laijunjie14
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
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sulk, cry in front of her

im serious.
Posted on: 2007/10/21 9:17
  •  Roscoe
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/5
A/S/L 20/M/New Hampshire
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Kiynteyh wrote:
ha for the past 4 or 5 years my mother has been a test of our love

You've been with this guy since you were nine? Are you actually suggesting that at age nine you were in a serious, romantic relationship?

And also, there may be monetary issues your parents are better able to speculate on than you, as a dependent, are. I think you should trust 'em.
Posted on: 2007/10/21 15:53
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633
actually we havent been all that serious for the past few years and it was just this year that things started gettin good between us and now my parents decide to move and for the record i dont want to marry my bf but staying with him was what id been planning on... as for the sulking and crying in front of my mom she would just say i was depressed and take me to a shrink or get me put on medication
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
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Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2007/10/21 18:20
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/29
A/S/L 16/M/Maryland, US
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laijunjie14 wrote:

sulk, cry in front of her

im serious.


Some people don't know that this kills mothers to see their kids cry terrible for something they think is insignificant in their opinion. If your mom is really bad like you say she is, at least it'll make her think about it twice, im sure.

~ love like never beforeee
Posted on: 2007/10/21 18:24
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633
actually i've already cried in front of her about it but she didn't seem to care at all and it only made things worse cuz that was when my dad said we would move at the end of the school year
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2007/10/21 18:28
  •  laijunjie14
Re: Kiynteyh wants advice
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Joined: 2006/11/17
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Kiynteyh wrote:
actually i've already cried in front of her about it but she didn't seem to care at all and it only made things worse cuz that was when my dad said we would move at the end of the school year

what about your dad?

did you talk to him or?
Posted on: 2007/10/22 11:04
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