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  •  Amaterasu
Re: Predetermism versus Free Will
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
I appreciate the reply. It's a shame that not more here are chiming in...

For the record, I'm an atheist. I will avoid confrontation with personal beliefs with others as that often leads to a mess.

But I only want to ask you this question. If God knows the end result >>> how is this translated with free will? If he knows the last page in the novel but we can choose what happens in the chapters inbetween to an extent are our choices even ones that matter, ultimately?

*deletes a paragraph*

Heh heh. I was getting too 'into it'.

Hm. Well, I think that it our existence is really random and the fact that we are here not out of a planned event doesn't take away from the majesty of our existence. Its like finding 100 bucks on the floor one day, for no reason and with no one around. You just pick it up and say, "Wow! This is great!" it's much like that, but on an inconcievably astronomical level.

We are bound, ultimately, to coporeal existence and consequence. I think that our ends are always mastered in the realm of practicality > say, I can want to be Queen of England, but that is, practically, unset to happen - despite the fact that I have absolute free will.

And my will to think and believe ... even that is governed by genetics and upbringing and education. And thus, with those factored in, even our 'free thoughts' have limits.

It's a terribly interesting oxymoron.
Posted on: 2008/11/4 20:17
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 6:25
       Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 20:17
       Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 20:24
         Re: Predetermism versus Free Will SwallowTail 2008/11/4 20:48
           Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 20:55
             Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 20:59
               Re: Predetermism versus Free Will SwallowTail 2008/11/4 21:03
             Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 21:03
               Re: Predetermism versus Free Will SwallowTail 2008/11/4 21:06
               Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 21:12
                 Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 21:16
                 Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 21:24
                   Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 21:26
                     Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Josh_Shing 2008/11/4 21:50
                       Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/4 22:03
                         Re: Predetermism versus Free Will eni-san 2008/11/4 22:11
                         Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Josh_Shing 2008/11/4 22:28
                           Re: Predetermism versus Free Will Amaterasu 2008/11/5 9:07
                 Re: Predetermism versus Free Will SwallowTail 2008/11/4 21:30
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