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One of those introductions
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2007/10/14
A/S/L 23 / M / Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Posts: 4
Hello everyone. This isn't my first time with an Utadanet account, but the last time I had checked the site, it seemed to no longer exist. And now, it's back and so am I. I don't remember my old user name, but I had Wicked signature stuff. Weird.

Since the big explosion, I've become a huge comic book geek.
When my spell check tried to correct the spelling of Utada, it gave me Dadaist as an option.
Posted on: 2007/10/14 22:35
Subject Poster Date
     Re: One of those introductions Unregistered 2007/10/14 22:38
       Re: One of those introductions Kiynteyh 2007/10/20 15:21
     Re: One of those introductions jreuij 2007/10/14 23:12
       Re: One of those introductions Lawliet 2007/10/15 1:25
         Re: One of those introductions <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 2007/10/15 19:56
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