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  •  GIGAcorrupt
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
Ahhhh!!! my comp's fallen ill...it caught a virus and I'm sure it was because of me

my little brother says the only way to get rid of it is to restore the computer...I'm sure there must be another way...I just don't want to loose all of my files...

what should I do?? Aijin, how'd you fix yours???...if you're arround here...

I really need options...
Posted on: 2008/7/15 21:38
  •  catseye528
Re: Options...please
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/7/15
A/S/L 30/Only if you want to/A mountain somewhere in Arizona
Posts: 58
Try downloading Avast Antivirus and spybot... and for Hikki's sake don't open email attachments that your not sure where they come from... Also might be good to use a Hosts file to block bad spam sites

Avast Antivirus
avast dot com

safer dash networking dot org

Host File
mvps dot org slash winhelp2002 slash hosts dot htm

Everything here is free... It might not work but then again it might...
The sites come with instructions on how to use everything too...

I just hope no one pops up saying their anitvirus is better blah blah blah... Avast is free leave it at that.
I've been using these tools for years and I haven't had a virus in the entire time.

You can also try Hijackthis as well... just google it
I'm supposed to pick just one? I cannot decide, I will have them all!

What do you mean by there are mountains in Arizona?
Posted on: 2008/7/15 22:29
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Options...please
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
Well, the virus' already in and taking the comp appart...I can barely use the internet...I'm not even sure if I can download, but I can't afford to loose those files so I'll go give it a try...thank you so much for your help
Posted on: 2008/7/15 22:50
  •  catseye528
Re: Options...please
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/7/15
A/S/L 30/Only if you want to/A mountain somewhere in Arizona
Posts: 58
No probs... Hope it works for you.
I'm supposed to pick just one? I cannot decide, I will have them all!

What do you mean by there are mountains in Arizona?
Posted on: 2008/7/15 22:58
Re: Options...please
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/4/10
A/S/L 20/M/Philippines
Posts: 185
also try using avg.....it's also free...however, if the anti-virus still doesn't work , try backing up first your files by burning them to dvd or cd...then, format your computer...=P
kimi to iu hikari ga watashi wo mitsukeru mayonakani...
Posted on: 2008/7/16 0:25
  •  Unregistered
Re: Options...please
eum what king of virus do you have then?
for the looks of it it seems you have troyanhorse but i could be wrong
and @catseye528 nobody can say their virus scanner is beter and they all say they have a good virus scanner but how can you say that wile you never HAD a virus? :P well i dunno what virusscanner you have but i have antivira and it works fine by me so i hope you get your compu fixed or else try to back up the files you wanna keep and then format the computer(or un install windows anf then install it again...)
hope you get your compu better!
Posted on: 2008/7/16 0:27
  •  catseye528
Re: Options...please
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/7/15
A/S/L 30/Only if you want to/A mountain somewhere in Arizona
Posts: 58
It is because I use Avast, Spybot, and the hosts file together... Avast updates itself and constantly scans active ports. Spybot keeps virus and trojans from making registry changes. And the Hosts file stops alot of the zombie computers from even coming into your computer at the DNS level... so that is why I haven't had a virus in years. Avast also scans downloaded files and emails... oh and if a trojan or virus trys to come in Avast tells you very loudly that one is there and you can abort the connection to keep it out. I also use Firefox instead of IE because it is more secure... I'm hoping when HTML 5.0 comes out Microsoft makes IE a structured browser... I'm tired of doing special coding on sites for it... it is sooo much easier to code for Firefox...
I'm supposed to pick just one? I cannot decide, I will have them all!

What do you mean by there are mountains in Arizona?
Posted on: 2008/7/16 0:45
  •  ayehunny
Re: Options...please
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/5/7
A/S/L 20 / Female / Sweden
Posts: 577
If you're afraid that you might loose everything soon or something, put the important files in a different harddrive.
Like.. I have 3.
C: with all the programs.
D: with the music and my files with pictures etc.
and F: which is an external harddrive with all anime and such.

That way I get virus' and stuff like that in C:, so when I have to formate it I don't loose important stuff. Just programs I can install once again.. But ofc I would prefer to not get virus at all ;)

But of course, if you're just having one harddrive, then I dunno... Listen with your friends if someone have an external for you to borrow. Maybe they're not that expensive either? Check it up :)

unno... another tip: if you're using Firefox, you should have (if you dont already got it) NoScript, it's an addon. You can download it here --->https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/722 <---

What it do is that every time you visit a new site you yourself get to accept that site and everything that is on it as OK (I mean like advertisment and such). This way, you wont get pop-up either (at least I haven't :O)
pick your love up off the floor
Posted on: 2008/7/16 2:29
Re: Options...please
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/2/9
A/S/L 19!!! ???? Philippines
Posts: 655
what kind of virus is that btw??? and what damages would it do or done?....

if ur gonna ask me, u should have a NOOB Killer antivirus... its an application antivirus.. that means installation is not required.. plus... download a NOD32 antivirus....

these 2 antivirus programs are a really good team! im using it as my personal programs.. and now i dont have any virus problems through my pc even im downloading random stuffs from the net...

or if ur RAM is strong..try using kaspersky...
... avira intivirus is a good one too....

i dont like avg or pc cilin..any other free programs coz they sucks
um... Wala Lang Naman....
Posted on: 2008/7/16 6:15
  •  laijunjie14
Re: Options...please
Show Off!
Joined: 2006/11/17
A/S/L 24/M/Singapore
Posts: 6223
download ccleaner, find it it google

delete all of your cookies, temp internet files and everything

then use any antivirus program to clear the others, avast and AVG are free and AVG can be found on www.download.com

and also, delete files that you don't need

clean up your hard disk every once in a while

and finally, have a backup ready, get an external HDD.
Posted on: 2008/7/16 7:34
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