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  •  Hikkis1in1million
Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2010/1/16
A/S/L 13/F/UK
Posts: 100
So I Found Her Thought's And Stuff On J-Pop Stop When I Was Bored And Thought I Might Share ~

"It's a pretty straight-forward love song, sort of. There's a story behind it. I think it's pretty straight-forward, but it's...say you hooked up with a guy and it's supposed to be a light hearted thing, but then the next day he's telling everyone, 'Oh. I GOT her. She was so easy!' and it's like...'Why are you telling everyone all this stuff? No! Stop! You're humiliating me!' When someone makes you look silly or stupid it's not easy to take, but the girl in the song is like, 'Hey, I'm going to get over you anyway. It was nothing for me, so it's going to be okay. I'm going to be cool.' I wanted it to be the first single because I thought it was a good way to introduce myself. It displays my humour, and it's almost 'too pop'." --Utada Hikaru

(On the 'She's got a new microphone' lyric) "Well, I did get a new microphone! Yeah! What were you thinking? It's true that I really did get a new microphone that day, as I was recording that part. I thought it was a funny thing to sing, and I noticed the metaphor." --Utada Hikaru

"It's a bit crazy, but it's really catchy and it's supposed to be very humourous. I'm not gonna sing it with a straight face...it's just a fun song" --Utada Hikaru

You Make Me Want To Be A Man
"You Make Me Want to Be a Man - To me it was pretty simple and straight-forward. I was trying to deal with my husband, and it was the first time I really came face to face with another human being, and the things that we couldn't understand about each other, or things we argued about, I felt like it was because (that) some of it was just like a sex issue. I felt like if I could be a man, I could understand him more, in some ways, so I wanted to understand him, and I thought, 'I wish I were a man!'" -- Utada Hikaru

(On the futuristic PV) "We wanted to play with the Japanese side of my existence. Japan is well know for these kinds of technological things, like Anime and the futuristic things, so I think that is what started off the whole thing." -- Utada Hikaru
Posted on: 2010/5/17 11:32
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/5/17 15:50
       Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Jiremi 2010/5/17 16:48
         Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/5/17 19:20
           Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Jiremi 2010/5/17 19:35
           Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM bhive619 2010/5/17 19:35
             Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/5/17 20:55
               Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Jiremi 2010/5/18 12:01
                 Re: Hikki's Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM Mr.GagaHikaru 2010/6/1 10:06
     Re: Hikkis Thoughts On Easy Breezy&YMMWTBAM 山本_passion 2010/5/17 15:53
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