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  Utada's "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song


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Utada's "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286

According to Yahoo Jp article Entertainment Weekly made a survey of 1000 reader's to pick Best 100 new Love Song. Winning at the first place Aoyama Thelma feat soulja "We are close" , Second Greeeen's "KISEKI", and at third place Utada Hikaru's "Prisoner of Love"

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Congratulation to Hikki

Posted on: 2009/1/13 6:13
  •  Macdan
Re: Utadas "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/7/19
A/S/L M/ Singapore
Posts: 1050
wow, PoL is at the top... third place... that is great... congratz to hikki
Posted on: 2009/1/13 7:12
  •  syronx
Re: Utadas "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/12/28
A/S/L M/Earth [lol(USA)]
Posts: 313
prisoner of love is the best!!! i listend to it a lot in my youtube.

congratz to hikki =)
Life is too short for fights, be happy
Posted on: 2009/1/13 15:43
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: Utadas "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
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Joined: 2007/7/24
A/S/L 17/M/Cal
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is that song even out yet?? we are close by aoyama teruma??

cuz i can't find it lolz i want to listen to it

and congratz too hikki she is the best!!
Posted on: 2009/1/13 20:42
  •  Macdan
Re: Utadas "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/7/19
A/S/L M/ Singapore
Posts: 1050

<3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 wrote:
is that song even out yet?? we are close by aoyama teruma??

now that you've mentioned it, i've not heard this song yet...
Posted on: 2009/1/14 17:27
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: Utadas "Prisoner of Love" #3 on Best 100 New Love Song
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Joined: 2007/7/24
A/S/L 17/M/Cal
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lolz ic
Posted on: 2009/1/15 23:19
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