Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/5/25 12:15:17
Then why not do it here? x3 Well I just wanted to know a bit more about some of the new members. I'm already somewhat close with a few, so why not more huh? You can talk about anything here, anything you want. Just keep it a little clean, alright? ;P Well anyways I'll start this thread with a little question.

How was your day? Bad or good, and explain.

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/25 12:22:18
well, my day so far is ok, woke up at 5pm today lol but that was because the day before I done an all-nighter, sigh was playing CS online, damn addictive game.Later well, I'll be watching the latest bleach and naruto (silly fillers),that's bout it I guess. Should really revise since I got my computing exam on monday, last one woohoo and I'll be out of school forever. should I ask another question or just elave this one going for the next person to answer or does tombraiderjmm ask the next one since she's the one who started this topic hmmmmmmm... Ach I'll just leave it for the next person lol

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/5/25 12:34:50
LOL you can say what you want. It's not a game, it's just talking. Jesus 5PM?! LOL the latest I've gotten up was 3 I think. Oh you're in 12th grade?

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/25 12:59:49
lol I actually slept for a whole day once but that was jsut I didn't sleep for 4 days, that's my record for not sleeping, doesn't do wonders for your health mind.
well we call it 6th years over here since we don't count from primary school, but yeah am in 6th year and we're on exam leave the now, meaning no more school but there's still some stuff to do like the award ceremony and prom, both should be fun except I've still not bought a ticket to the prom yet nor have I sorted out my kilt(scottish tradition) and also I still haven't paid for our year book yikes, why must I be soo broke lol. am guessing you've left school tombraiderjmm since it says you're 19, yeah?

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by Unregistered on 2006/5/25 18:36:32
hey,just wanna talk?hi to the people on utadanet!!hi newbie's.hi obsessed hikki fans!!keep luvin pop.does anyone know gloc 9,or like rap,hip-hop?anyone.i lnow you HAVE to.that's kind of impossible not to have at least one person in this site not to like r&b and songs like that!hee hee.just like to say hey!!

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by crandogg on 2006/5/25 18:41:07

tombraiderjmm wrote:
LOL you can say what you want. It's not a game, it's just talking. Jesus 5PM?! LOL the latest I've gotten up was 3 I think. Oh you're in 12th grade?
it seems that the later i stay up the earlier i wake the next day! now how weird is that?

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/5/25 22:21:27
Yeah, I'm in college now. So I'm pretty much out of high school. LOL I hope you have fun at your prom. But why did you stay awake for 4 days? LOL you're crazy! LOL xD I could never do that, but it seems like only guys do that. I wonder why? ;D

LOL hey, answer the question! LOL you act like you're being interview for a job. LOL but yeah I listen to some rap and hip-hop.

Man same for me too! Like yesterday, I went to bed at 4 in the morning and woke up at 9 today. Can you believe that? It's crazy, I don't know why I woke up that early. God I must be sick or something. xP

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by berryz on 2006/5/25 22:44:20
LOL, you guys wake up early!

today was good, not as fun as i expected it to be. alright, ill start from the top, today my school had a carnical called 'Sacred Heart Day' (year 7-12 come together and have a carnival to raise money for charity). it was fun, but very crowded cause we have 2 campuses (really 3) and yeah its extremely crowded cause we have seperated grades and all. yeah, we ended up raising over 3-4 thousand =]

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/5/26 0:50:56

berryz wrote:
LOL, you guys wake up early!

today was good, not as fun as i expected it to be. alright, ill start from the top, today my school had a carnical called 'Sacred Heart Day' (year 7-12 come together and have a carnival to raise money for charity). it was fun, but very crowded cause we have 2 campuses (really 3) and yeah its extremely crowded cause we have seperated grades and all. yeah, we ended up raising over 3-4 thousand =]
I know! I say that every day! I'm like: Why do I wake wake up this early? But that's cool berryz, I wish my schools did that when I was growing up. It would have made a good impact on some kids, when I was growing up. But sadly that didn't happen. But that's really a great thing hear. Thanks berryz, you made me happy. x3

Re: Hey, just wanna talk?

Posted by hexe on 2006/5/26 7:39:02
Everyday God given to me is doin fine.... Im just 17 yrs old.....

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