Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2005/12/19 22:46:58
I don't. LOL but I used to, when I was younger. Yes, I've gotten lazy. xP But name some of sports you play and your favorite sport.

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by Kangrui on 2005/12/20 19:56:25
i swim. as of late.
and i recently picked up tennis. still a beginner tho.
i just dont like sports that i need to sweat. lol so swimming becomes my fav.

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by Justin on 2005/12/20 19:59:22
Not much besides football and martial arts. Weight lifting and shot-put are also sports that I've taken part in.

My favorite of them all would be shot-put. I was good at it back in high school and if I ever get the chance I will try out for the US Olympic team.

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2005/12/20 23:53:26
Cool! I've always wanted to try tennis! I really want to get into a sport. I want to get back in shape again, and be healthy. I really wish I had a pool. I love to swim, and that way I could tan in peace. xP Hmm what's shot-put?

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by kamirunokan on 2005/12/21 18:18:55
i think it's one of those sport that you need to throw one or those small & heavy iron ball.... Sport! i like basketball, use to play tennis and use to take up tae-kwon-do....(well.. with all those "use to" i'm geting fatter everyday... lately)

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2005/12/22 17:53:29
Oh! That's what it is? Cool. Yeah I really need to take up a sport. My tummy is getting bigger. D:

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by PRinCe on 2006/1/6 1:53:32
I play tennis. I had only hit the teacher once
i have no more lesson, i only play with my freinds.
Does anybody can recommend and other sport

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by tatqiq on 2006/1/11 14:13:03
Theres this sport called nyo. its a cultral sport. I recently got into it not too long ago. Theres a compitition 2 times a school year for it.You have train months before it begins to even have a chance. first one is to illiminate people till the very best compete with eachother. Its both for boys and girls. Mostly boy compitition seems more appealing to the crowd and the finale one is to compete with students/young adults around the state to crown whos best. im going to compete this year. Other then that- I use to play volleyball. Varsity for 2 years baby~! I miss playing it...

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by Blaze on 2006/1/24 14:25:16
ooooh i play loads of sports, sports i love playing is...Soccer, badminton and table tennis
my 3 favourite sports that i play

Re: Does anybody play any sports?

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/1/25 1:27:16
Oh, I was planning on taking a sport next semester. I was thinking of tennis, but I like badmiton too. What do you guys think I should go for?

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