i am hearing things.....

Posted by joeri on 2008/12/21 23:19:36
so from a trustable source i have heard that this site has something against me and talking things about me around my back. if this is true just say it to me in pm's or in this topic i wanna know what people have against me and from there hope for improvements. everyone can comment expt soulhunter i know her reaction -_-'' probably get closed knowing her >.<

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by Macdan on 2008/12/22 2:34:31
I am neutral towards you... i don't especially hate you or anything...

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by CrescentLupin9 on 2008/12/22 9:13:54
*raises hand* ditto *points to macdan*

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by laijunjie14 on 2008/12/22 9:19:39
in before the lock!

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/12/22 10:28:20
hmm.. well i've heard/seen numerous times that you were the one responsible for the porn attack here.. however, im not sure whether to believe it or not but until i see proof then i suppose i am neutral as well.. i just dont understand why you would do such a thing (not saying u did).. im mean u love Hikki too right so why would any Utada fan willing spam a simple fan site with all kinds of porno that peeps of all ages will see (unfortunately i was one of them... )... but yea thats basically all i have to say

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by ayehunny on 2008/12/22 11:33:54
well I liked the pr0n, but that's only because I like to see how everyone stand united, ololol.

anywayz, I as well do not know if that was you. I hope not, you're a nice guy. :)

But I do think that you can be rather harsh against others on the forum, and I do not approve of that. I mean, if you have a bad day or are irritated it has happened that you've let your anger out of ppl here. If you get rid of those actions, then I'm fully yours lol.

Over all: You're nice.

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by joeri on 2008/12/22 23:40:54
@ ayehunny

i am never in a bad mood i am always happy because i listen alot to happy songs! (caramel dansen, ai ni :))

and to junjilai....

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by jreuij on 2008/12/23 0:20:36

Re: i am hearing things.....

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/12/26 19:59:21
Do I have to remind you countless times regarding this?

I told you before not to create unnecessary threads like this.

Find an appropriate thread where you can discuss a thing that goes crap in the end.


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