Mental Alarm

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2008/11/25 14:51:14
Hey all! I've got a question for all of you!

Have any of you woken up to music that's playing in your head? That's right, in your head. Not music from your stereo, music from inside your mind.

This morning, I woke up to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and it was playing in my head. How do I know that? I have an alarm on my stereo and it wakes me up by playing Hikki musik. This morning, it played the Heart Station album.

Crazy huh? Don't you all wish you could wake up to hikki musik in the morning in your head? That would save some money!

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/11/25 15:31:21
I would like to wake up to a something absolutely epic like Bohemian Rhapsody. xD Though, that's a pretty unusual question and slightly confusing. I don't recall waking up listening to music in my head. I wouldn't be surprised if I ever did. Though, I always hear music in my dreams. ^^;

It'll be nice to wake up to "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles or '70s Soul Remix' of Epik High's "I Remember". xD That would start off my day nicely and mornings wouldn't be so painful anymore. If it was Hikki, I would say something laid-back like "Nichiyou no Asa". It won't matter if it's a Sunday or not.

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/11/25 17:56:27
If I'm excited about something before I go to bed that happens to me, sometimes.

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by SwallowTail on 2008/11/25 20:05:34
I have once but that because I turn on my PSP whole night till morning and wake up after I heard "Drama ~ Utada Hikaru" but everyday I woke up mostly coz my loud alarm. I hope I have that kind exp

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by hikaruluver1 on 2008/11/25 20:50:26
yeah thats happened to me and i was lucky i woke up to addicted to you by hikki

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/11/25 23:50:08
hmmm i don't think that ever happen to me b4? or do i???

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by Macdan on 2008/11/26 5:10:16
hahaha i even woke up because Time Limit was ringing in my head... I don't mean it is noisy... just that i woke up having the song time limit keep singing..

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by roovette04 on 2008/11/26 8:17:37
here at the philippines, we call that LSS... meaning "last song syndrome" it means that a song is playing and stuck in ur head even if you dont think about it and it was not ur fave song

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/11/26 8:49:49
lol Roovette, I think Josh is also a Filipino as far as I can remember he mentioned it before, ne Josh?

I think what he's talking about is different with LSS. LSS or Last Song Syndrome is the music that plays on your mind repeatedly because you're hearing it several times, but he's case is kinda different I guess.

Re: Mental Alarm

Posted by ayehunny on 2008/11/26 10:29:59
YES it did happen to me once! I was woken by a fly in my room, and the worst song ever played in my head. I have no idea how it came to be that song..

that is the one. it's on swedish. it's about computers.

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