The end of the world

Posted by Projectatel on 2008/8/29 0:45:58
Do you guys believe that the world will be coming to an end soon?
Many people do.
Some say 2012, what are your guys beliefs, and feelings on the subject?

Im scared..... :(

Re: The end of the world

Posted by catseye528 on 2008/8/29 1:10:09
Don't be... it is a bunch of nonsense...
A lot of people say that aliens are going to invade in 2012 and that a planet that isn't a planet its a brown dwarf star called Niburu will pass through our solar system at the same time and that's where the aliens come from.
This is a bunch of bull... the original source for this is the X-Files TV show.
BTW, if a brown dwarf star did pass through our solar system we would know about it way before now... and the pictures that people have proving it is on the way are false... you can't see brown dwarf stars... you can only see the absence of background stars.
Oh, and about the Mayan calendar... that's all it is... A Calendar. A highly accurate one, but it is still only a calendar... you don't see people freaking out and saying it is the end of the world when you don't see January of the next year after December of the current year.
As for what happens in July of 2012... Our solar system will pass through the 0 degree plane of our galaxy... we will go from being in the Northern hemisphere of our galaxy to being in the Southern hemisphere of our galaxy...
It is far more likely that the sun will release a massive solar flare that turns the earth into a barren cinder then we get invaded by aliens... if aliens were going to invade they would have done it by now.

Re: The end of the world

Posted by Projectatel on 2008/8/29 2:47:31

catseye528 wrote:
It is far more likely that the sun will release a massive solar flare that turns the earth into a barren cinder

Eeeek! Is that gonna happen?

Re: The end of the world

Posted by ayehunny on 2008/8/29 4:33:39
well if it's gonna happen it wont be soon. some friends of mine saw this documentary about the maya indians, about how their fortune telling'd never been wrong and that they say that the world will end the 23th december 2012. This, however, isn't something I'm gonna believe until it really happens. So until then I won't care, it's better to enjoy the day as it comes.

Anyway if the world would end it's more realistic that it would be because of the global warming than from aliens.

Anyway dunno if you've read it but they've found water on Mars! It means that life actually can be found there would be interesting, dont you think? ^^

Re: The end of the world

Posted by Idle_mind on 2008/8/29 7:12:21
For some reason I feel 2012 is the end of it all. I dunno if I read it somewhere, definitely not in the Quran. four years from now. how much more can we last? how much more will our resources sustain us?

Re: The end of the world

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/8/29 7:18:32
People who believe in this have no faith in God.

Re: The end of the world

Posted by GIGAcorrupt on 2008/8/29 8:18:26
I saw the mars thing said that it's in a crater located on mars' north pole.

this topic sort of reminded me of an anime

Re: The end of the world

Posted by roovette04 on 2008/8/29 9:23:01
centuries ago... people said that the end of the eart was in the 1970's.. wich is obviously not true... in the 90's people said that the earth's end will be the midnight of the end of 1999 and the start of 2000...... and there would be fireballs from heaven that will strike to our grounds.. well... its not true again! hehe!

ive read the revelations in the bible.. i really dont get some of i'ts metaphores like the woman and a 10-horned monster

Re: The end of the world

Posted by laijunjie14 on 2008/8/29 11:19:54
and we have people in high places to come up with sh1t like that.

maybe you guys can try google-ing for the mayan calendar.

cos the calendar ends at 2012, so, yeah, the superstitious people would get my point

Re: The end of the world

Posted by S0ySauce on 2008/8/29 14:25:24
The Mayan calendar is surprisingly accurate but I don't think it said that the world will end in 2012, does it? I think it just suddenly ends.
Maybe some big event or revelation will happen.

It doesn't necessarily mean the end of life as we know it. If it does then it really sucks 'cause I would've just graduated high school and looking forward to the future as an adult.
Well, I never did believe in God so....

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