What's going to be your job?

Posted by Riza on 2008/4/2 10:26:08
As for me, I'm going to take a 3 year course, that includes chinese (major) and japanese (minor), at the end, (4th year) I shall go to Japan or China during one year. And then, I hope to get a job there and stay there living.

I think it's quite obvious that I will go to Japan and not China.

What about you?

Oh, I wanna be a translator for a living.

Re: What's going to be your job?

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/4/2 10:54:16
thats a awesome job riza

i'm prolly gonan do that too for a living

and i also want to plan to live in japan lolz ^^

Re: What's going to be your job?

Posted by roovette04 on 2008/4/2 11:27:53
that's good riza!

as for me.. i wanted to go to japan too(of course! all of us wants to..!)

but for now..i have to concentrate on my job so the japanese studios will pick our studio to be their 2nd animation studio in the philippines.. and the next step..ill go to japan and work there as an animator or something thats related to it!

Re: What's going to be your job?

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/4/2 11:49:02
I would love to be an musician, more like a composer. Even though i'm doing little composition pieces here and there. I'll need to study more about music. But I still need a safety net if that doesn't work out. xD

Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by cottonsoft01 on 2008/4/2 11:58:30

Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by ioruk on 2008/4/2 12:08:01
I'd love to program videogames!

Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/4/2 12:14:29

cottonsoft01 wrote:

You gonna be the garbage man? =D

Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by roovette04 on 2008/4/2 12:18:19

Taiyou wrote:

cottonsoft01 wrote:

You gonna be the garbage man? =D

yes he is... and a very STINKY one...

Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by Riza on 2008/4/2 12:38:22

roovette04 wrote:
yes he is... and a very STINKY one...


Re: Whats going to be your job?

Posted by TiffyKitty on 2008/4/2 16:26:46
Still several years away from me, so I'm really not too sure. I have a few ideas in mind, but who knows...I've noticed that most of the jobs I like don't seem to usually make a whole lot of money lol.

(used to want to be when I was younger):
- nurse
- singer
- chef
- artist
Holy crap, NURSE. LOL.

Now, it's probably one of these.
- actress
- interior designer
- author

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