answer me please?

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/4/1 1:45:52
what does FTW means? F*ck the what??

backwards of WTF? What the f*ck?

oh, very nonsense .. ignore me .. hehe ..

Re: answer me please?

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/4/1 2:02:11
backward of wtf lmao nice nice

ftw means for the win

Re: answer me please?

Posted by laijunjie14 on 2008/4/1 2:32:30
check wiki

Re: answer me please?

Posted by kayoko on 2008/4/1 6:04:23
yea macky its for the win..

like hikki-san ftw...hikki-san for the win...

kimchi for the win...that kinda stuff...its just another saying that person/thing is totally awesome...

Re: answer me please?

Posted by CrescentLupin9 on 2008/4/1 16:04:56
Don't worry macky-chan i had that confusion before too @ _ @
but yea these guys explain it to me too :D

Re: answer me please?

Posted by AnimeLunatic01 on 2008/4/1 16:10:54
You know, you could have googled FTW to figure out what it means instead of making a topic that will more than likely turn into a crap thread.

Re: answer me please?

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/4/1 17:33:52
thank you for clarifying. sorry for another crap thread.

Re: answer me please?

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/4/1 18:32:07
FTW... f*** the world!!! lol

Re: answer me please?

Posted by laijunjie14 on 2008/4/2 0:37:37

soulhunter14 wrote:
thank you for clarifying. sorry for another crap thread.


hey, lovely weather today

Re: answer me please?

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/4/2 1:55:12
what's with the weather? today, it rained and became sunny afterwards .. hehe ..

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