NH primaries!

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/1/8 13:17:45
The NH primary is considerably less important than it has been in the past due to a variety of factors - other states moving up their election dates, the internet, etc. Even so, I'm pretty excited to be voting before most of my friends. There isn't any single candidate I completely support, but I'll be voting for Romney(mostly based on fiscal experience). Who would you guys like to see become the leader of the free world? Hey - if you're from another country, why not speculate on foreign relations?

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/1/8 14:17:36
tbh, I don't think any of the candidates would make a good president

The Republicans are kind of weak right now. I would say that McCain would win the primaries, but he's kinda unstable.

For the Democrats, it's between Obama and Clinton.
Obama seems rather inexperienced(especially in foreign policy) and I just don't like Hillary as a person.

I probably wouldn't vote for anyone at this time


I think Hikki should run for president.

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/1/8 14:50:11
Aww crap! I should have written her in.

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/1/9 19:27:46
Heh..... "President Hikaru"

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by lildragon91 on 2008/1/13 2:35:05
i 2nd eclipse!

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Idle_mind on 2008/1/13 4:46:16
How would her shaking hands with Bush help her campaign?

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/1/13 9:09:03
Probably not very much at this point.

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/1/13 16:28:54
it won't help her at all lolz

not alot of ppl like bush lmao

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by S0ySauce on 2008/1/13 17:21:21
I'm just learning about some of the candidates but based on what I read, I don't really like Hillary.

Re: NH primaries!

Posted by Q on 2008/1/14 2:09:02

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