Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by First_Love on 2006/9/9 18:59:01
Hey guys, remember me? Lol, well I had some great chats with you guys, and all but I might leave UtadaNet. >.< Sorry. It's just that there are so many things going on. Over the summer, (sorry I didn't post during my summer vacation), me and my ex-bf, broke up and everytime I listen to Utada's music, it reminds me of him because he was the reason why I started listening to her music. I also just started school again, so I'll be busy. But if I do stay, I'll try my best to be active, and be supportive as best I can.

Random; I also play a little Maple Story, and Gunbound, so if you want find me on MS, Bera, bravespirit, and for Gunbound, wildspirit/bravespirit. Or email me at solitas.jasminum@gmail.com

I loved my time here, and I'll be sure to visit now and then. Thanks, and I hope to talk to you all soon!

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by alterstar on 2006/9/9 19:09:17
awww... don't leave! just visit when you're free but we understand you. we'll surely miss you! goodluck with school

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/9/9 20:17:03
aww ima miss ya but i understand wat ur goin thru well good luck in skool

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by LadyFaye on 2006/9/10 10:21:46
I"m sorry you are leaving, but I understand your reasons. Good luck at school,

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/9/12 10:46:59
I don't think you should leave, and never come back. But if you have things to take care of and if you're very busy we all understand. But I hope everything goes well for you, and if you do really leave I wish you the best. I'm glad to enjoyed your stay here and take care.

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by Lily on 2006/9/12 10:59:34
Yeah tombraiderjmm's right. You never know, you might want to pass here again. I'm busy too, but I still find time to post here. Just because your ex listens to Utada, doesn't mean you can't. Well whatever you choose, good luck!

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by alterstar on 2006/9/16 1:06:01
I agree with Lily but it is all up to you

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by First_Love on 2006/9/22 16:22:08
Hey guys! Thanks for all your thanks, and luck! I've managed to move on for all the stuff that happened, and I've pushed hard on school, so a lot is out of the way. I'm going to try and chat here more often. I know I'll always miss my ex, but I shouldn't stop listening to her. And I haven't stopped listening to her. Whenever her song came up, it always reminded me of UtadaNet. Loved my time here, and well, I just might not be all myself, since I have changed a lot. xD lots of luv, First_Love

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/9/28 12:32:31
Well I'm glad you're not letting your ex get in the way of things that are important to you. Just try to be strong, and always talk things out, it's best to talk things out. Don't keep them in, cause if you do it will just build up and hurt more. And let Utada's music cheer you up, I'm sure that's why she makes songs for us. But I'm glad to hear that you're better and you're moving on. Another one of Utada songs: Movin' On Without You, "I'm movin' on without you". Yeah! =D

Re: Possibly leaving UtadaNet

Posted by black_amethyst on 2006/11/13 10:21:20
I'm sorry to hear that you thought about leaving. I understand it's hard to listen to music that reminds you of someone who has moved on. But, that doesn't mean you should stop listening to the music you enjoy. Even though they're gone, think of all the good memories the songs have brought you. You shouldn't focus on the few negative things. At times it's rough, but I'm sure you will pull through it. And keep toughing it out on school. That's very important. I wish I would have got my crap together and buckled down on school when I was younger. Now I'm in my last year of high school and it's impossible to change what's been done. But I suppose that's life for you. I hope that everything works out for you in the end. And when things get tough, just remember you have friends here at UtadaNet. :)


Ps: **Sorry I didn't reply to this forum faster. I've been busy with Real Life issues.**

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