Does anyone know's French

Posted by hexe on 2006/6/28 7:31:36
i found a French fansite of Hikki...... i hope i can understand FRENCH but i dont that's sad to hear

Re: Does anyone know's French

Posted by -kairi- on 2006/6/28 7:44:39
What do you want to translate? This site is good because of the videos and musics...if u want them just clik on MUSIQUES or VIDEOS

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/28 9:47:00
i understand it and its not sad nobody can speak all languages except smart people well screw them weree not them

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/6/29 10:08:04
Yeah, I don't speak French, but that's a good site. Sometimes I check it sometimes, even though I have no idea what it says. But I wish I could speak French. x3

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by Unregistered on 2006/6/29 10:45:34
i wish.that would be cool.i only understand like 6 words.and those words are the known by almost everyone.
not really.but they ARE known.

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by riku on 2006/6/29 12:19:23
yup, i know french. and i hate it. really, french is such a difficult language. every vowel, every rule's got exeptions. i'm lucky i'm actually quite good at it, tough i don't learn enough.
but learning a lot of languages isn't always fun. you mix up words. thank goodness i don't have to learn spanish next year. i was afraid i would, but i'm going to an other school, so no spanish for me . and they're canceling german as well. double yay!!!
but hey, if you want me to translate something, just ask me, ok?

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by Ltsgosrfn on 2006/6/29 16:49:22
Try this:

I am using Safari so if it does not work on windows just do a google search for the site ( ) then click translate. It is pretty close to the original words and ideas though it has been a long time since i studied french.

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by hexe on 2006/6/30 7:50:18
thx for the help

Re: Does anyone knows French

Posted by Ltsgosrfn on 2006/6/30 8:14:47

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