Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/6/8 19:08:03
Hehehe, I had like the craziest day, today. LOL I just want to say to all the young girls on this forum is: Never give out your number to a random person! =X LOL xD God! Learn from your mistakes, and think before doing aything. That is all. LOL any man problems you have come talk to me, I should have a few anwsers. xD

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/8 20:02:28
haha thats real smart jeslene well were the guys hott just askin

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by berryz on 2006/6/9 2:39:25
LOL, gato2000 arent you like a guy?? T.T LOL, i guess my bros would have asked that as well!
heres a tip tombraiderjmm, find a pizza shop number, and MEMORIZE it!! LOL, thats what all my friends do or just make up some random number and remember it cause they might as so is it....

(btw, sry for the delay, ill upload the perf. when i can. coms a bit coo coo!)

oh yeah, so what ACTUALLY happened?? X]

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/9 6:26:30

berryz wrote:
LOL, gato2000 arent you like a guy?? T.T LOL, i guess my bros would have asked that as well!
heres a tip tombraiderjmm, find a pizza shop number, and MEMORIZE it!! LOL, thats what all my friends do or just make up some random number and remember it cause they might as so is it....

(btw, sry for the delay, ill upload the perf. when i can. coms a bit coo coo!)

oh yeah, so what ACTUALLY happened?? X]

well im just curouis

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/6/10 8:40:10
Sorry it took me so long to respond berryz. This job I got has me tired! Dx But no worries I'll be okay, and good idea. I do that! Oh and I wrote about my day in my MySpace blog. It's a bit long, so you don't have to finish it if you don't want to. But you can read and tell me where you stopped so I can tell you the rest.

And gato2000, the first guy was cute, but he's cosuin was too short. And I already told you about the 3rd guy. And yes he called me, again too. He called yesterday, but I didn't talk to him too much cause I told him I was going to bed. xP

Here's the blog, the title is: I just wanna cry...T_T xD

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/10 9:11:09
that job has been wearin you out hasnt it tombraider u should rest more

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by X_Utada_x_rocks_X on 2006/6/10 16:43:49

tombraiderjmm wrote:
Hehehe, I had like the craziest day, today. LOL I just want to say to all the young girls on this forum is: Never give out your number to a random person! =X LOL xD God! Learn from your mistakes, and think before doing aything. That is all. LOL any man problems you have come talk to me, I should have a few anwsers. xD

I'll make sure i do

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by berryz on 2006/6/10 19:45:18
nps, you need rest from your job! (what is it btw =.=)
LOL, go you! i read it all, very interesting! thats about 5 guys right, LOL. you must be very prettY!!
woot! go tombraiderjmm!

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/10 19:56:45
thats true shes probably buried in phone numbers now

Re: Ahhhh! T_T

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/6/11 14:55:00
LOL noooo, it's nothing like that gato2000. But yeah berryz I talked to 5 guys that day. But it was mostly two guys that were hitting on me, and that one guy that I gave my number too. That one guy I talked too, I had just asked if the bus had came yet, and we started talking a bit. And that other guy who told me that they changed the bus stop for the number 1.

That's the bus I take to get home. But yeah, I think I'm quiting my job, I really having been the same since I started the training for it, and another is that my parents don't want me to work there. That's mostly the reason I am quiting. I think of 'Blue'. You know where she says, "Questions make me blue'. That how I feel, so I'm just gonna quit. And the job I was going for was to sale knives. xD Yeah knives. But they're really really good knives. Trust me! =3 And good job berryz on reading that whole blog, I probably would have struggled reading it. xP

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