
Posted by Unregistered on 2010/1/22 14:03:47
What kind of pets do you guys have?

And if you don't have one, what kind would you like to have?

I had a half black lab/half newfoundland dog when I was growing up (got him when I was 3) and he was my best best friend. He died when I was 17 and I was depressed for almost a year.

I also grew up with Boxers and Poodles.

But right now, I'm dead set on getting a Newfoundland puppy if we ever get a dog. Dogs 101 said that Newfies are one of the best breeds to have around children and are overall really healthy. It won't be the same as having Bozo, but I'd like to try.

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by kayoko on 2010/1/22 14:08:09
ive a pomerainian(spelling?)/shih tzu mix..his name is toto..the silliest dog in the world..and yes he was named after the wizard of oz..

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by Camfans59 on 2010/1/22 14:48:56
I love animals, but growing up I could never have anything more than fish or turtles because my father was severely allergic to animal fur. But after he past away when I was 9, we got our very first dogs. 2 goldens, brother and sister, named Cookie and Dutchess. Soon after that we got our very first cats, twin brothers, named Cupcake and Baby. *note we always got 2 of everything because I'm a twin.* After a few years past, we had to find homes for the 2 goldens because we moved, and after we moved, very sadly, Baby died. But now as of present time, I still have Cupcake, along with two other cats, one named Magic, and her son named Taiyou. I also have 3 dogs, 1 Dalmatian named Cabet, and 2 mini Yorkies named Little T(after my father who's name was Todd), and his daughter Ajay. Then I have a fish, a rabbit, two ducks, and a mini pot belly pig but he's my mom's. So all together I have 11 pets!

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by A5UKA on 2010/1/22 16:30:06
i got 2 cats . . ben & jerry (like the ice cream haha) xD

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by Unregistered on 2010/1/22 17:44:01
my parents just bought a yorkie! He's soooo little! My daughter went berserk when she saw him... And then she taught him how to climb the steps (which my Mom did NOT want him to learn lol)

Oh and I had a cat for a long time. Garfield. He died a few months ago, I jsut found out.

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by Unregistered on 2010/1/23 9:40:27

abunai wrote:
my parents just bought a yorkie! He's soooo little! My daughter went berserk when she saw him... And then she taught him how to climb the steps (which my Mom did NOT want him to learn lol)

Oh and I had a cat for a long time. Garfield. He died a few months ago, I jsut found out.

omg! yorkies are adorable!!! I'm a dog person. I have 3 dogs: 2 malteses (age 4 and 9) and 1 golden retriever (age 3). My golden is so loyal. lol! unlike the little guys..

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/1/23 12:06:30

my kitty, sugar. i miss him. he's back in japan with my family.

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by Unregistered on 2010/1/23 14:28:32
!!!! He looks like this stray cat I picked up in Arizona! lol I named him Ace Ventura.

I'm pretty set on getting a Newfoundland. Thing is, they run around $1,000 lol.

My poodle was really loyal like my big dog was. He had to be with me every second. If I had to leave him at home, he'd cry until I came back, and whenever I cried, he'd lick my eyes until I stopped.

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by bhive619 on 2010/2/7 0:28:17

Re: Pets/Animals

Posted by ayehunny on 2010/2/7 16:21:43
is it supposed to be that skinny?

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