i just got my.....

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/7/10 8:05:57
comp fixed =D yeahh!! now i can be back posting comments again and talk with my hikki fans again =)

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by ayehunny on 2008/7/10 8:26:21

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/7/11 0:21:27
arigatou gozaimasu

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by CrescentLupin9 on 2008/7/11 12:18:38
Yay! :33333 *huggles*

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by ioruk on 2008/7/11 12:51:31
NICE AIJIN~~ Welcome back~~ how you been?

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by GIGAcorrupt on 2008/7/11 23:17:57
Good to have you back dude!!

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/7/11 23:50:43
thx for the love guys =D is good to be back (^_^)

Re: i just got my.....

Posted by lizzorette on 2008/7/19 17:44:53
Welcome back

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