My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/18 11:41:00
Here's some drawings of Utada I've done recently!
Tell me watcha think...
(I like this one a lot better)

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/3/18 14:15:52
I like the first one better, it is pretty good. In the second one, her nose and mouth are a little too small.

Good job!

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/18 16:13:17
You like the charcol one better? Ya, it is the finished one, that makes sense thanks!

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/18 18:48:45
I just finished the Passion one! Hooorrrayyy...

Re: My Utada art

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/3/18 22:29:43
Coolness! Those are really great! I wish I could do something like that. LOL I hate messing with charcoal though, too messy. But great work! I love it! x3

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/18 23:38:49
Charcoal is tough, hehe
I usually put my hand over a piece of paper so there's no smudgies. & if there are any I use a kneeded rubber eraser to get rid of em. Aw, thanks! I really appriciate it =D

Re: My Utada art

Posted by clgan on 2006/3/19 8:06:35 are great....not much people can draw like this...I like all of it..keep it up...good job

Re: My Utada art

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/3/19 10:21:26
My teacher told us to do that too, when we did this one project. I love that eraser! I have this one, that isn't so good, but it has this smell to it. I always smell it, when I see it. But I want to buy more kneeded erasers, they're so useful and fun to mess with. Have you used graphite pencils? They're fun too. x3

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/19 11:03:50
Awww, thankyou!

Re: My Utada art

Posted by Maulsy on 2006/3/19 11:17:45
Hehe, I see you enjoy that eraser. I agree, mine has a very distinct smell to it. I like it. Yes I've tried graphite pencils! I like them to. Tons-o-fun.(Funs-o-tun?)
I like sculpting them when I'm bored in history. Or streching them out. Yep.

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