Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by ayehunny on 2009/11/21 10:44:49

My family own a bowling alley in Sweden, where we live.
Every friday and saturday night we have cosmic bowling, and play music from a Swedish company called Music Partner. In other words: we stream our music from their site (using an account).

Suddenly I heard lyrics I knew very well, and ran to the computer to check. It was indeed Come Back To Me that was playing.

This is historical guys! Utada, in Sweden!!

("Just nu spelas" = "Song runnin at the moment")

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by Polyrhythm on 2009/11/21 11:31:24
This isn't very news worthy to obscure sweedish internet site? what? 0_o

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by Shurikid on 2009/11/21 12:50:34

DEEPRlVER wrote:
This isn't very news worthy to obscure sweedish internet site? what? 0_o

Utada on ANY station outside of Asia is an event to be celebrated. Sure, it may not be big, but it's SOMETHING. Congratulations to ayehunny for being able to experience the wonder of hearing Utada on the radio~. I know the thrill. :]

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by loli-drop on 2009/11/21 14:38:35
wow XD i would probably run around alot if i heard hikki being played hehe

also good to hear that come back to me is getting exposure in unexpected places

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by ayehunny on 2009/11/21 15:23:59
To hear Utada from a site made for companys in SWEDEN (remember: Sweden is very small country with only 9 million people ) I think is pretty big - even if the country or site we're streaming from isn't huge. I think that the smaller the country is the better it is (in general for music groups or artist trying to break through).

In Utada's case. She's trying to break through big in the US, and she get her song played in Europe. Now that's, imo, big. ^^

I would never have dreamed of hearing her songs from somewhere else but my own playlist because of my whereabouts.

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by Polyrhythm on 2009/11/21 15:50:03

Shurikid wrote:

DEEPRlVER wrote:
This isn't very news worthy to obscure sweedish internet site? what? 0_o

Utada on ANY station outside of Asia is an event to be celebrated. Sure, it may not be big, but it's SOMETHING. Congratulations to ayehunny for being able to experience the wonder of hearing Utada on the radio~. I know the thrill. :]

Um if you read the first post closely, you would know that it is NOT a radio station but a streaming website.

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by Amaterasu on 2009/11/22 9:28:09
Thanks! It's small-time, but it's still a nice gesture for you to come on and report it to us.

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by ramenbox on 2009/11/23 3:10:46
Small time or not, I know how it feels. It is something to excited about even though it's not something major. I've experienced stuff like that before and I still go through stuff like this from time to time. Glad to hear even streaming sites from Sweden cover one of her songs.

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by Shurikid on 2009/11/23 10:51:19

DEEPRlVER wrote:

Shurikid wrote:

DEEPRlVER wrote:
This isn't very news worthy to obscure sweedish internet site? what? 0_o

Utada on ANY station outside of Asia is an event to be celebrated. Sure, it may not be big, but it's SOMETHING. Congratulations to ayehunny for being able to experience the wonder of hearing Utada on the radio~. I know the thrill. :]

Um if you read the first post closely, you would know that it is NOT a radio station but a streaming website.

Clearly I didn't read the first post closely, my apologies. :]
STILL, I can sympathize and understand her excitement.

Re: Come Back To Me on "music partner"

Posted by percypenn on 2009/11/23 11:22:06
ayehunny, ill drink to that!


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