utada's style/fashion

Posted by aquaticdragons on 2009/10/12 2:05:20
If you were Utada's stylist what kind of image or makeover would you give her?

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by dral on 2009/10/12 10:26:48
something younger...haha, her style can be quite 'serious' sometimes.

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by ramenbox on 2009/10/13 6:16:33
I like her style in EXODUS PRESS RELEASE KIT video. It's quite different from the way she dresses when she's in Japan and of course she was younger back then. However, I believe she can still pull off this look.

If you haven't seen the video before, I'm actually referring to this.

Then again, it's not really considered a makeover. Haha.
She doesn't need something as drastic as a makeover in my opinion.

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by Hikki4life4ever on 2009/10/13 10:20:17
I have too agree with ramenbox!

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by Macdan on 2009/10/13 20:26:54
I think she is good the way she is now... If I am a stylist... I wouldn't make any much changes...

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by SwallowTail on 2009/10/13 22:04:19
hmm if I were a hair stylist i'm change her hair too dreadlock style >.<

And if I were a fashion stylist, i'm gonna change her style to gothic. Maskara, Black lipstick , Black leather outfit, Piercing >.< .

Thats is too much, okay it s a joke .
Just add some little thing to her, like a green berret cap , boots

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by Amaterasu on 2009/10/14 9:48:41
I really liked her Distance style. She should have totally stuck with it. Well, actually most of her earlier styles except for First Love (which was terrible) was really nice up until she got married and let herself go.

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by Hikki4life4ever on 2009/10/14 10:28:18

Amaterasu wrote:
I really liked her Distance style. She should have totally stuck with it. Well, actually most of her earlier styles except for First Love (which was terrible) was really nice up until she got married and let herself go.

I thought she looked Pretty In the First Love Era. Anyways, I like her in a Not So Short Mini Skirt, T-Shirt, High Heels, maybe a cute hat as well.....

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by FunkyStrawberries on 2009/10/14 11:31:26
I like her short hair better. Not Heart Station short, but more BW/K&C and TiTo short. And the mid-length it is now.
And I usually like the brown colors more then the jet black of Ultra Blue, but that doesn't really matter that much I guess. xD

I like when she has both boyish and girlish clothing. She looks cute in anything.

edit: I also agree with her Distance style being really nice.

Re: utadas style/fashion

Posted by aquaticdragons on 2009/10/15 5:10:05
I guess it's kind of hard to imagine something different on Utada, since most of us think of a past style/image that we liked on her.

When I asked the question, I was thinking of her image in the US. At first I thought her image for TITO was really good, but recently I looked back at her style for TITO and realized that her style was kind eh (well, to me it does but probably not to some of you).

So I went on the internet and looked for some clothes and shoes so that I could "make" a style that I think would look nice on her (I'M NO FASHIONISTA SO IT MAY SUCK AND YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT). I was thinking of something that would make her look young and also something that's wearable in the streets, not something like her UU06 outfits even though I like them.

Here is a link to some of the stuff I found, maybe some of you will want to try to make a combination from it.


Here are some combinations of what i think would look nice. Oh and i also included one for pic to show hairstyle but I whited the face out so you look at the hair and not the model ^_^


I added some more hairstyles... and again i blocked out the face... this time not entirely so you can see clearly the hairstyle...

I also think that she could wear darker/heavier make up around the eyes... maybe smokey eyes... something that makes her eyes look wow... and i'm not saying this because she's asian, I'm saying this because since she decided to go with straight heavy bangs for TITO...I think that it brings a lot of attention to eyes, and I think it looks amazing when the eyes have this dark/smokey look around them with bangs.

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