Kremlin Dusk

Posted by JimJam on 2009/9/15 12:01:46
I've been wondering what it is about Kremlin Dusk that people really love, and why it is one of Utada's most popular songs to date.

So, tell me, UN peoples, why do you love Kremlin Dusk?

- Is it the beat?
- Is it the mournful beginning and rocking end?
- Do you only like it because others like it?
- Or do you not like it? Why?

C'mon people, I wanna know!

Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by A5UKA on 2009/9/15 12:08:48
personally i love it all ever little thing in the song i love , i would admit im a pretty crazy hikki fan but none the less its a great song and i would have to say if i had to pic a favorite part it would have to be the beginning

( but i also love the ending too =P )

i love you hikki

much luv & take care


Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by a_kikoo on 2009/9/15 12:38:03
Kremlin Dusk is my favorite from Exodus.
Well, first of all I'm a fan of Edgar Allen Poe and it was pretty awesome how Hikki related a song about one of his works.
I really like how it starts off dark and goes into the song strong. It took me awhile to like the high-pitched stretched out parts of the song but it grew on me.

Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by sephyleader on 2009/9/15 16:26:05
Well I'm a huge Edgar Allen Poe fan so the beginning is great, then the whole feel of the song is just so great, it's dark at first and builds up more and more, it just has some sort of deeper emotional level behind it is what it seems like to me, I remember when I first got Exodus I was playing it all day long, and I still do, I think that it is just a great and interesting song in general, I would love to think how it would do if it was on TITO lol, I think it literally would make a huge difference.

Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by ramenbox on 2009/9/16 9:29:03
It's a bit underrated actually because not many people know of Exodus. Kremlin Dusk is EPIC. I can't express how much I love this song. Listen to it everyday, especially the live version.

Practically everything about this song is perfect. The way it builds up from slow to rockish. The high pitch parts are really nice. This song gives me some kinda feeling that other songs on Exodus can't. It's just... special. KD should have been released as a single. What a shame.

Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by IceAngel on 2009/9/19 18:26:47
I love the melody, and singing to it. I also love the instrumental bit before the end because it makes me feel like something is flying. And yes, I agree: Epic is a perfect word choice. Its one of the songs off of exodus that I have never ever been embarrassed to play in front of people.

Re: Kremlin Dusk

Posted by percypenn on 2009/9/21 7:53:14
why kremlin dusk is awesome?

its poetry and music man!

it would be helpful if you read edgar allan poe's works so you can relate to it.

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