Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by skinnyaznkid on 2009/8/17 18:53:02
Hey everyone! I just got back from Hawaii and while I was there I visited this Japanese tshirt store called 88Tees. There was a Utada poster near the door so i though I'd take a look inside and when I went in there was a picture of the owner with someone that I'm pretty sure is Hikki. The chick that worked there couldn't confirm it for me. But anyways take a look and tell me what you think. I'm sorry if it isn't her...lol

Sorry for the bad quality, iPhone camera sucks.

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by Semantics on 2009/8/17 22:08:54
Cool shop. That doesn't look like Hikki though. I'm quite sure it's not her. :(

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/8/17 22:52:19
That is definitely NOT Hikki. That girl looks nothing like her, maybe except the hair and eyes. But thanks for posting pictures of such a cool shop.

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2009/8/17 23:19:23
tats not her lolz but the poster and album if freakin awesome =D thx for sharing

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by skinnyaznkid on 2009/8/18 0:03:17
Darn! My sister told me it wasn't her too. I guess i got a little too excited. lol.

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2009/8/18 0:48:27
lolz is ok

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by SwallowTail on 2009/8/18 5:10:23
Well she's not Hikki but she kawai though. The thing is why T.I.T.O poster on that place . Come on there in front of front door but its so low, no one gonna notice that . Its different with the Exodus

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by illastrate on 2009/8/18 9:32:40
Aside from her face not looking like Hikki, look at her breasts...Hikki's ain't that big

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by a_kikoo on 2009/8/18 10:57:48
Thats definitely not Hikki. She's a Japanese actress. I don't remember her name though.

Re: Hikki at 88 Tees

Posted by yvliew on 2009/8/19 8:37:08

illastrate wrote:
Aside from her face not looking like Hikki, look at her breasts...Hikki's ain't that big

you're wrong.. hikki has bigger breasts..

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