Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/1/26 15:54:06
Theres news out in Japan that Utada had complications in her relationship with her recent boyfriend. Their lives were too different and hardly saw each other.
The article also explains her tour in the U.S. and U.K.


Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by Unregistered on 2010/1/26 15:56:50
Can anyone provide a translation for us?

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by tommy96814 on 2010/1/26 15:58:16

a_kikoo wrote:
Theres news out in Japan that Utada had complications in her relationship with her recent boyfriend. Their lives were too different and hardly saw each other.
The article also explains her tour in the U.S. and U.K.


isnt those the reason why people break up :D~

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by zunecrazy on 2010/1/26 16:30:19
-----TRANSLATION---------(via Google)

Singer-songwriter, Utada Hikaru (27) were in a relationship that had split eight years older Japanese-style painter and 26, sources said. The two were discovered last year, nine month relationship was also found in his blog. , The overall story to multiple stakeholders, Hikaru 15 this month and to start a busy day overseas tour, passing each of the lives of more catastrophic. A new leaf this year, including an album devoted to musical activities.

Uncovered just four months -. Was found with eight catastrophic years older Japanese painter.

The two last September, revealed the relationship of women's magazines in the press. Utada's house and was caught with his bike back and forth in his studio. Also Utada's blog early Saturday morning in the 16 month "in an interview with American magazine and radio for a long time,『 with the seal boyfriend? 』When asked What is it, is there ~ ~』 from 『Oh did you say you , is also taken when deserved, "he admitted in contact with.

Utada September 2002, married filmmaker suddenly announced in January, Mr. Kazuaki Kiriya (41) and divorced in January 2007. And painter, since it was a romance, according to several officials, a chance to see the sharp drop from last fall, had followed the lives of passing each other.

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by ramenbox on 2010/1/26 19:40:18
It's a tad too direct. Could someone explain in detail? I only get certain parts of the translation. Still, thanks for the news. Well, it's merely natural that relationships are hard to work out when there's such a difference in lifestyles.

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by kayoko on 2010/1/26 20:30:21
wait..is it saying that hikaru knew the painter for 8 years already? but then suddenly married kiriya right? and now she's been with this guy the past 9 months.. and her US tour is making their relationship catastrophic as they cant be together..the translation was difficult to read but manageable to make out..so could the painter be a reason why hikaru and kiriya divorced?..the truth on breakups isnt always what its said to be you know..

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by SwallowTail on 2010/1/26 21:25:41
If they were love each other, i don't think its really a problem with that kind of issue, Its a matter of trust XD. But if she break up with her new boyfriend, many guys will loved to see that (Ryuji Yamazaki and Brian Fury mode on)

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/1/26 21:39:06

kayoko wrote:
wait..is it saying that hikaru knew the painter for 8 years already? but then suddenly married kiriya right? and now she's been with this guy the past 9 months.. and her US tour is making their relationship catastrophic as they cant be together..the translation was difficult to read but manageable to make out..so could the painter be a reason why hikaru and kiriya divorced?..the truth on breakups isnt always what its said to be you know..

no its saying that the painter is 8 years older than hikki. the part about marrying kiriya is pretty much summing up her past love life. i guess they're trying to say that soon after they divorced, she started seeing this painter. the news of these 2 dating broke out in japan in september (9gatsu) & she also said on her blog that she does have a boyfriend. according to her management, because of her tour she became very busy.

this article also states that she kicked off her u.s./u.k tour on the 15 in honolulu. then on her 27th birthday, she performed in l.a. then talks about hikki updating her blog after 3 months.

the end says that after her tour, she's planning to come out with a new album. she's going to continue focusing on her music career this year.

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/1/26 22:03:22
i think the japanese media wants to keep up with hikki's life. so they announce whatever news they get.
well, at least we know she's gonna work on a new album after her tour! so excited for that.

Re: Utada, news about her boyfriend.

Posted by ayehunny on 2010/1/27 5:57:53
Tokyograph wrote about it as well.


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