This Is The One; Charts

Posted by Hikki101 on 2009/3/23 5:49:27
Any one heard the update for THIS IS THE ONE yet? I want to know how it's doing in the Japanese market. thanks!

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by kaze0510 on 2009/3/23 8:01:20
This Is The One album is standing 3rd in Oricon album chart now.
However, almost Japanese can't understand English well. Her new album won't be good sells in Japan. She has considerably squeezed the target to the United States this time. I wanna support her challenge in the oher hometown, United States. I feel that she hope to be accepted in the US.

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2009/3/24 15:01:55
well her albums is still gonna be a top selling album in japan cuz i know japanese fans won't ever let her down! so don't have any worrys there ^^V and yea she is really trying to get accepted in the States but i don't think thats gonna happen... cuz i know how U.S are.....

they are really close minded ppl...........

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by Nao on 2009/3/24 17:23:59
Don't know about in Japan but on the Itunes US store it's currently at Number 5 on the pop chart, and number 26 overall.

That's better than I'd expected to be honest - I'm just glad it's doing as well as she deserves it to.

Of course, the true test is after the first day. Can it keep the momentum up after the initial release day rush?

I hope so xxx

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by BokuWaDevil光 on 2009/3/24 21:39:50
It's at 4 now!!!

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by mgsoul on 2009/3/25 0:42:05
#4 Top Pop Album on iTunes
#24 Top Album on iTunes
#32 Top Music Video on iTunes

As for the Canadian iTunes, her album is sitting at #6 for Top Pop Album.

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by UtadaHikaruFan2 on 2009/3/25 4:13:22
Utada Is Now #2 On Top Pop Albums

She's #20 On Overall Albums

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by Hikki101 on 2009/3/25 4:17:58
Yes for Hikki!!! Thanks, guys

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by cutelilme on 2009/3/25 6:29:27
whooo! go hikki! she's doing awesome so far. lets hope the sales just keep on rising =)

Re: This Is The One; How is it doing????

Posted by takka on 2009/3/25 7:28:45
Well, English language albums do not sell in Japan...
Exodus did well only because it was her first try.

I have a friend who is an Utada fan(I'm only an occational fan),
but she wasn't interested in Exodus because she doesn't understand English at all.

Japanese fans seem to make a clear distinction between an EMI Japan artist
宇多田ヒカル and an Island Def Jam artist Utada.

Normally, if a foreign artist sell more than 100,000 copies of an album,
it's considered to be a big success. Considering that, TITO is doing
really well IMO. I really don't understand people who are saying
things like TITO isn't doing well in Japan 'cos it is doing well.

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