“HEART STATION” Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by Sanosuke on 2008/3/1 10:02:11

Why not the USA?

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by allanah on 2008/3/1 10:09:17
Its because HMV Canada sells both her English and Japanese albums. It was a real shock to me one day to go to HMV and see not only Exodus (which was impossible to find in Canada) but Ultra Blue which I'd just bought online. I have a local mall I can go to to splurge on Hikki... scary :P
So far I have seen Exodus, Ultra Blue and the singles collection for sale. The prices are usually high, but lately they've gone down.

But I still don't think I'll wait til then. YesAsia and March sounds like a better time for me to get the album ;)
I'll just stare at it in stores like I always do. By the way she is listed as Hikaru Utada in the H section o_O

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by Sanosuke on 2008/3/1 10:14:30
The Japanese version is still better. You can still get the poster with it. Hah. Also, it's listed as Hikaru Utada because in Asia, you have your surname go first.

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by allanah on 2008/3/1 10:32:34
Yeah I know about the surname order... it just seems weird to see it the other way around. Especially since she's known as Utada in North America.

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by Sanosuke on 2008/3/1 10:36:21

allanah wrote:
Yeah I know about the surname order... it just seems weird to see it the other way around. Especially since she's known as Utada in North America.

Utada is her name when she works with Island Def Jam Records. That's how you can tell the difference. :P

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by hrabbit on 2008/3/1 11:47:25
Yea I remember when ULTRA BLUE came out in Canada(it did right?)... I thought it came out in the US too (I saw it on Best Buy's website... it was freakin $60!!!) I bet if Tower Records was still open they would have it =/ but I think its still the imported ones not an actual American release.

Re: HEART STATION Album: Canadian Release + Magazine Schedule

Posted by allanah on 2008/3/1 17:30:31
Its just HMV as far as I know. The prices aren't that bad. Like 25 dollars or something instead of the usual HMV prices of 13-16 dollars. Now that the prices are down I'm thinking of buying Ultra Blue again since Passion refuses to play now :(

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