Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by -kairi- on 2006/6/28 7:08:25
News I've found at UO:
Six years since Utada began her first tour, BOHEMIAN SUMMER Circuit Live in July 2000, Utada celebrated the 6th anniversary by gearing up for her upcoming national tour which begins in Sendai and the Miyagi Prefecture on July 1st and will take her across 11 places with 22 performances between July 1st and September. According to Sanspo, the stage will be using blue lights while portraying such scenes of clouds, fire, and lightning for each song. Today's preview was held in Makuhari Messe Hall, with her husband helping with the stage production of the event.

And..more pics of Hikki's dresses
And in this site...3 more pics:
I love the white one!!!

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by hexe on 2006/6/28 7:20:26
i think the red dress she use in that tour when she sings Hikari ( i think and i hope it is true! )

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/28 11:34:00
i like the white dress i think its the best out of all of them she looks hott

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by infinity on 2006/6/28 21:30:42
cool outfits!!!

wish i was der to watch her performance!

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by enemyxwithin on 2006/6/28 22:07:24
Wow!! Those dresses are beautiful!!!

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by CrescentLupin9 on 2006/6/29 8:09:42
Pretty. . .pretty. . PRETTY! >o<
The red one looks nice too! but i too like the white one, hey thanks for sharing! >o<

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by -kairi- on 2006/6/29 9:40:19
More pics here:
Oh...and these costumes are by a stylist Ogawa Kyohei who did the album cover's costume too.

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by ChiSin_Jong on 2006/6/29 12:31:01
=[ i wish i was there to to watch it. wonder if they would sell it on dvd

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by ChiSin_Jong on 2006/6/29 12:35:01
How Do u translate a page into english?

Re: Utada preparing for her TOUR

Posted by gato2000 on 2006/6/29 21:32:48
if u have internet explorer u can just right click and the 2nd to last says translate page into english and u just wait a few seconds and wahmm !!!

well bac to the topic the tour is just 2 dayz away!!!!!!!

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