FYE loves Utada

Posted by hikki_is_my_homegirl on 2009/5/7 7:16:14
so i went to FYE two days ago, just to make sure this is the one will be released there, and the cashier was like omg everyone has been asking about that cd, i was like really? she told me that they had a banner of her and had to take it down because people kept asking for it and she told me that i better reserve a copy now because the way things are looking there might not be any left! i was so thrilled to hear this. i asked her if that cd does well will they start carrying her other cds and she said they already had some preorder. i'm so happy that Utada is becoming more and more known.

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by TadakoXIII on 2009/5/7 9:09:59
ROFL. THAT'S SO AWESOME. XDDDDDDDDDD AAAHAHAHAHAHAA.... man that made my day. Thanks for sharing.

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by ~Billy<3'sHikki~ on 2009/5/7 12:58:34
What is FYE?

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2009/5/7 14:47:26
FYE stands for For Your Entertainment... its a cd/music store for the most part

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2009/5/7 16:10:02
Ah that is crazy cool! Made my day too!

Maybe i should pre-order mine too...

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/5/7 19:22:55
FYE bought out MediaPlay actually... MediaPlay USED to be my favorite place to shop for any kind of media... Now I'm a BestBuy fan since MediaPlay is gone.

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by ayehunny on 2009/5/7 22:08:54
wow, that's great to hear! thanks for sharing ^__^

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2009/5/7 22:37:22
Hey just to share, at the FYE in southcenter, the first 500 people get a wristband and a chance to get their album signed. But she'll only stay for 2 hours so it's either 500 people come or the 2 hours.

Just sharing since it could be the same elsewhere. Oh and i know this cuz i called.

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by TadakoXIII on 2009/5/7 22:40:41
Wow, thanks for that. XD I'm sure that also applies to Best Buy in NYC... i should call tomorrow to make sure though.


abunai wrote:
FYE bought out MediaPlay actually... MediaPlay USED to be my favorite place to shop for any kind of media... Now I'm a BestBuy fan since MediaPlay is gone.

Ouch. :< ...I regret to say that I'm not familiar with MediaPlay. X: Iusually get my CDs ... from the internet? coughamazon. >_>


~Billy<3'sHikki~ wrote:
What is FYE?

!!!! Is there no FYE in Cali? :0

Re: FYE loves Utada

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2009/5/8 21:35:14
I just visited the FYE in southcenter of tukwila (Seattle) and there were posters EVERYWHERE. Two posters on the window walls, like 5 posters on the walls inside, and about 2 posters on the support beams. DANG. That's awesome promo.

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