hidden lyrics...

Posted by Cecildragoon on 2009/1/1 10:36:08
ok you all probably know about this but i just figured it out and now a song that made me happy makes me really sad

in Passion(Sanctuary) she sings backwards at certain points in the song and it so sad what she is saying in the lyrics

wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
I need more affection than you know.

snwod dna spu ynam os
So many ups and downs.

snoitome eurt deen I
I need true emotion.

i wonder if these backward lyrics were for her husband...maybe she was trying to let him know through her music...either way its very sad.

anyhow just an interesting thing i found out

Re: hidden lyrics...

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2009/1/1 14:16:36
Yah it is pretty sad if you think it was directed a little towards her X husband.

Ah well the song is still awesome to hear

Re: hidden lyrics...

Posted by Cecildragoon on 2009/1/1 15:31:51
idk it seems like an attempt to let him know she needs him more...didn't they end their marriage based on a lack of contact and not being able to spend time together? so her saying "I need more affection than you know." makes perfect sense, it seems that most relationships fail when the closeness is lost...thus long distance relationships fail more often then not.

Re: hidden lyrics...

Posted by Amaterasu on 2009/1/2 20:29:58
Hmm. That is depressing to think about!

The other songs out there.. I remember a thread that spoke of Keep Tryin' during the bridge of the song.. something about a half-plugged technique which I could never get to work. I assumed that it was leaving headphones half-plugged into my computer's recipticle?

It never worked.

Perhaps many more of her songs have soft/subliminal lyrics. But you know .. it upsets me! God damn, I want these lyrics printed out in the lyrics books. They're secret ones.

I wonder if Japanese fans feel the same about her English lyrics (except that they're published in the books). As in: how many wonder about their meanings. Then again.. with the size of Japan and the growing amount of English literacy.. all it takes is one member of a huge Hikaru fan-forum to translate the snippets... then still - much of the lyrics are slang, and culturally lost. "Hit it off, hit it off like this, oh baby." > "Strike it off, strike it off in this, oh young man." He he he he.

Re: hidden lyrics...

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2009/1/2 23:41:28
I wonder if there are/will be more easter eggs that hikaru will leave behind in her music...

Re: hidden lyrics...

Posted by Cecildragoon on 2009/1/3 0:19:20
Im just happy that Hikki chan is finally happy and that she has Kuma chang for now :D
I just hope she finds someone who really loves her and can be with her forever.

Hikki forever

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